Charmingcottage in idyllicsurroundings with colorfuldiscounts anda large orchardor a meadow with apple, pear and plum trees is an unattainable dream for many city dwellers. However,idyllic ,rustic auracan be conjured up even on a small plot of land inbuilt-up serial , less than 100 m2.
Contemporary country garden takes many forms. We can give it a formal look with straight paths, flower beds surrounded byboxwood hedgesand figures of neatly trimmedshrubsandtrees Or choose a free form withgrass pathwinding between the rebates to the meadow where it standsromantic gazeboentwined with rose shoots andclematis
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Bujna aranżacja w rustic garden (photo: |
The choice of arrangement is a matter oflikesandtaste , but mostly it depends onsize lotIn a small garden, a clean composition consisting of geometric elements works perfectly well, while on a large surface they look very well almost naturalshaped, curving pathsand freely designed discounts withwavy edges.The right mood will help us create discounts with luxuriantly growingperennials, plants annualsandroses
Flowering perennials, such aspeonies ,lupins , , are classic plants that determine the characteristic image of a country garden. daisyand lilies. Ideal partners for them aregeraniums ,grasshoppersandcatnip , whose shoots hang picturesquely on the shore discounts , covering the border between the flower bed and thepathorlawn
Annual ornamental plants incl.onętki ,marigoldsitobaccodecorative , for many weeks additionally, they decorate the bed with the colors of their flowers. The same role is played bymulti-coloreddahlias, which should not be missing in any rural garden. You should also take advantage of the special charmeagle owls ,foxgloveandmullein.
This is howplant compositions are createdunplanned by us, but enchanting with their natural charm.A large garden would lose much of its beauty were it not for shrubs and trees, even the typical and well-known ones. Among the most beautiful specimens for a country garden is certainlyfragrant, purplewithoutlilacand white-floweredjasmine.Na a place in our green oasis also deserveshydrangeaandswidośliwa,and in a very large garden you should definitely plant an apple tree orquince.
If there is an old fruit tree in the garden that no longer bears fruit, it does not need to be cut down. We can plant a white-flowering climbing rose from the rambler group, e.g. 'Bobby James' or 'Felicite Et Perpetue', the shoots of which will intertwine and spread in the crown of the tree, creating an unusualbouquet during the flowering periodThe mood prevailing in the garden also depends on the materials used for the construction of the floorterrace ,path surfaces,as well as the edges of the separated parts of the plot and single beds. The style of the country garden is based on the slogan:natura triumfuje For this reason, even the garden paths are paved withgravelandbark litter
Basic elements of a country garden
The elements of the garden in a country style, country aura in our own garden will help us conjure up carefully selected plants and appropriate materials, the right style will be obtained by planting a colorful mixture of well-known, classic perennials in the flowerbeds, such as chalcedony, adjective, geranium and delphinium, as well as many annual plants.
The pavements of paths and terraces are made of traditional materials, such as gravel and clinker, and fences and curtain walls are made of wooden elements and wicker braids. Paints are also important, e.g.cheerfulandcheerfulbright blue outdoor furniture looks.
The best natural borders of the separated partsof the gardentohedges , wooden fences and fences made of wicker barswicker orhazel When you need a wall covering the interiorof the gardenandoccupyinglittle space, we can set up a trellis for vines, which we plant with fragrant honeysuckle or colorfully blooming annual plants, such as .nasturtium ,peas fragrantczytunbergia
Onborder flower bedsboxwood has long been used in the form of a low hedgehedgeHowever, its regular pruning is a time-consuming activity, which should be borne in mind when planning arrangement solutions. Easy to maintain and often very effective hurdles made offittings cast ironorwicker witek
In a country-style garden, as in other stylish arrangements, properly selected decorations are an additional element complementing the entire arrangement. Full ofcharm accessoriesare flower pots made of sheetgalvanizedorenameled, as well as figurines of animals made of artificial stone or ceramics, such assmallflock geesenibbling grass on the lawn or a small pig boldly rummaging amongmulticolored flowerson discount.