Delicate inflorescenceshave a lot of charm and perfectly complement the composition of the flowerbed. So let's appreciate the advantages ofgypsophila ,gaury ,rutewki ,verbena patagońskieji astrasercolistnegoThe countless tiny flowers of these plants perfectly emphasize the beauty and grace of magnificent flowering perennials, e.g.lilies, Hemerocallis lily,Echinacea purpleEchinacea purpurea andpeonyPaeonia. Lush peony flowers will shine indiscount full glowif there is a place for Alchemilla next to it.Hisopenwork green-yellow inflorescencesgo particularly well with pink and white flowerspeonies In addition, a much larger peony will give a shadow tosun leavesof its miniature neighbor.
For aquatic arrangementsrutewka orlikolistnaThalictrum aquilegif.webpolium. It looks great in combination with Siberian iris, hemorrhoids, meadowsweet,tawułkami,funki ordayliliesRequires semi-shaded positions withmoistsubstrate
Gipsówka paniculate(gypsophila) is a wonderful neighbor forliliesanddayliliesFor short daylilies, it is best to plant varieties that are no more than 30 cm tall, such as 'Rosenschleier' or 'Compacta Plena'. For tallliliesanddaylilieschoosevarieties bigger , e.g. .'Bristol Fairy' or 'Flamingo' with pale pink flowers. Both gypsophila trees grow to a height of 100 cm. Gypsophila is very resistant todroughtandpoor conditions soilThe plant owes this to thickroots pile , reaching indeep earth
Drought-tolerant verbenaPatagonianVerbena bonariensis othin ,stiffshoots , flowering fromJunetoOctober , perfect for a discount with low white,yellowororange rosesReaching a height of 100 cmSouth American perennialis usually grown in our country as an annual plant, becauseeasily freezesWe can, however, store it from year to year, just like dahlias.
in autumnsolid root verbenaneeddig up ,dryandstoreindarkindoors , and in May againto planton a discount.In regions with mild climates where temperatures rarely drop below -5 ° C, Patagonian verbena hibernates in the ground and adorns the garden for many years.Verbena Patagoniancan be propagated in autumn from seeds or shoot cuttings takenin summerorin autumnYou can also split the storedlump in late winter root
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Werbena Patagońska Verbena bonariensis (Photo: |
Veil inflorescencesare also a great company for grasses. An extremely effective combination is created byJapanesePennisetum alopecuroides withgauraLindheimer Gaura lindheimeri. From the age of two to four, the graceful perennial blooms tirelessly fromJulytoOctober Especially valuable is the white variety of 'Whirling Butterflies', which blooms exceptionally profusely. The cultivar 'Siskiyou Pink' with pink flowers is more delicate than its whiteblooming relativesandmore sensitivena frostingGaura can be propagated by sowing seeds in the fall or spring, or from cuttings prepared in summer. Attention! All varietiesgaury need winter protection
For planting in naturalistic gardens,marzanka wonnaGalium odoratum. It can be planted in shady places under trees. It creates very decorative, compact fields of overlapping shoots. It blooms from April to May. Requiresmoistandhumusgoes well withperiwinkleandfeatheredleavesvariousspecies ferns
Blueveil filigreeforget-me-notstulipslub yellownarcissi.