More about the plant below:
Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla)
category : shrubs
position : sun, partial shade
height : up to 1.5 m
frost resistance : up to -20 ° C
reaction soil : acidic
preferences soil : fertile, permeable, humus
watering : a lot
color leaves/needles : green
color of flowers : blue, white, pink, red, purple, green
shape : bushy
period flowering : June-August
seed : -
reproduction:layering, herbaceous cuttings
persistence leaves : seasonal
application : gardens, balconies, terraces
pace growth : slow
Hydrangea - silhouetteStand for hydrangeasIrrigation of hydrangeasHydrangea - fertilizingTransplanting hydrangeasHydrangeas - protectionAdviceHydrangea has a great need for water. In Japan, where it comes from, it is grown in the immediate vicinity of water bodies. In such conditions, it reaches up to 2 m in height. Unfortunately, housing cultivation is not as easy as discount cultivation, first of all it requires more commitment to care.
Hydrangeas are very sensitive to dry air emitted by heaters and radiators, they also do not tolerate direct sunlight.Shrubs feel very well, e.g. at 10-15 ° C; in such places flowers stay longer than in heated apartments.
The lighter and warmer the plot, the more often the plants should be watered - the root ball should never dry out.Blue varieties cannot be watered with calcium-containing water as it increases the pH value substrate, which makes the flowers take on a pink color.
Molds with blue flowers should be fed with a special hydrangea fertilizer, the action of which is supported by aluminum compounds.We supply power once a week during the flowering period.
The plants are transplanted into acidic soil in the spring at intervals of two years.
Bushes can be attacked by aphids and spider mites. Yellow leaves with green veining indicate iron deficiency.
After a brief hardening, room hydrangeas can also be grown outdoors in summer.