Flexible switches

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The author of the text is MSc. Barbara Bogacz

Willow has long and very flexible stems that can be used in a variety of ways. for making baskets, furniture, fences, dishes, and even house walls.Willow is also used for the production of cellulose and fibreboards, and its bark is used to obtain tannins and salicin - a therapeutic glycoside. This tree is also used to develop wastelands and to prevent soil erosion. Recently, it is also bred for energy purposes.

Many varieties of individual willow species are used to develop green areas in the form of quite magnificent trees, such as the weeping willow Salix x sepulcralis of the 'Chrysocoma' variety, or miniatures - small trees grafted on a short trunk, for example the Salix caprea variety ' Kilmarnock 'or Salix integra of the' Hakuro-nishiki 'variety.

The name wicker refers to several species of native and American bushy willow that are suitable for braiding purposes.Native species include: purple willow Salix purpurea, also known as wicker, almond willow Salix amygdalina, Salix viminalis willow, also known as hemp. The American willow Salix americana, brought to Germany in 1885, gave rise to the breeding of this species also in our countryAfter hot treatment, it is flexible and has a strong white gloss.

How to make a chute fence

Currently, the basketry industry obtains material for its products from wicker plantations.Shoots are cut from leaf fall to spring, but before vegetation begins.They are bundled and then placed on the field in a standing position.The material is segregated and further processed, as a result of which we obtain wicker of different colors: green, red and white.

The braiding industry also uses other natural materials of native origin, such as reeds and sieves.Our market also includes imported ready-made products from Calamus rattan, a climber from Ceylon and India.Its long flexible shoots are used, like wicker, for the production of many everyday utensils.

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