Funkie - care and applications

The author of the text is Dr. Regina Dębicz

Funkie Hosta in its natural state occurs inChina ,KoreaandJapanand from here under at the end of the 18th century they found their way toEuropeCurrently in the collections and gardens there are old and well-knownspeciesandvarieties cultivated , as well as numerous new varieties, which were obtained thanks tointensive work breedingand reproduction by the methodin vitro

Funkie haveexceptionally decorative leavesThey include small and delicate and enormous almost a leathery plate.They are green in various shades,bluish ,golden yellow ,gray ,creamandwhiteMany funkii leaves are also adorned withwhiteor yellowishedges , streaksandstainsSome varieties are characterized byvariable colorleavesin spring they are usually light,aquamarineoryellowishand then they becomedark green The leaves of the funkia form very effective, usually semicircular, clumps with a regular outline. The flowers growing above the leaves also have a lot of charm, gathered in clusters of a colorusually light purpleorwhite

Funkia Hosta (Photo:


Funkie areunrefinedandhardyCan grow in sunny places,shadowyand semi-shaded , on moist and dry soil. However, the most suitable for them are slightly shaded places on the banks of the water and partially shaded nooksparkandgarden , not too dry byrootstreesPatterns on bicolor leaves fade and turn green in dark places of the gardenleaves varietiesanother colorsIn the sun their leaves diminish andlose propercolorandgloss , although less often this happens when the substrate isrespectively moist Blue-green varieties are the most resistant toperiodic droughtThese perennials grow best in compact, fertile anddeep soil cultivated, oslightly sourorindifferent reaction

Planting and fertilizing

Funkie can be planted from spring to autumn, inwells 40-50 cm deepSpacing between plants depends on the strength of the variety. The low ones are planted at a distance of 25-35 cm, while the tall ones, with vigorous growth - every 40-60 cm. The soil around the root ball should beexactly pressandmake slight cavity(shallow bowl) where water will collect. Then the plants are watered several times so that the soil is soaked with water. Then you can even the ground a little and spread ita few centimeters layer litterpine barkpine orpeat mixed with bark

For funkies to grow luxuriantly, you need to feed them several times in theperiod vegetation aquatic solution mineral fertilizersSlow-release fertilizers are also good, which are only used in spring.Organic fertilizers give excellent results, e.g.diluted slurryanddry krowiecc, which we provide to plants during the growing season, as well as manure and compost - decomposed inMarch ,April

Funkia Hosta (Photo:

Funkii reproduction

The easiestway to reproduce funkiiis to divide strongly overgrown plantsin front of leaf development on multi-budged partsIt is also possible to divide the plants at a later date. Then you have to water them abundantly, the next day remove the soil and cut off with a sharp knifefragment plantsandcarefully separate,yes that each part has he althy and undamaged roots and short rhizomes.Wounds after division should beprotected with fungicidal

Such plants must be planted immediately onbefore prepared placeor to potsSpecies can also be bred withsown in spring seedsMost varieties or not forms seeds or plants propagated from seeds notrepeat characteristics plant mother


Funkies look nice individually on lawns, but more beautiful in groups of several varieties or in the company of othershade-loving plants , e.g. ferns, sedge ,brunet ,delusions ,periwinkleczypragniiThey look good among rhododendrons, azaleas and holly. They grow perfectly in containers, but as long as they are placed in quiet and slightly shaded places, they are regularly watered and supplied withmulti-ingredient fertilizers For the winter, the containers must be pitted in the garden or carefully covered, e.g.with thick foil bubble wrap

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