Purple accents on the discount

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Some colors have a specialstrength attractionand verystrong have an effectfor our eyesight. There is certainly violet among them, a strong color, but not too obtrusive, and in addition, alwaysemanating a little bit mystery

Discount in various shades of purple with a touch oftones whiteandsilvery gray looks very nobleDecorative garlic and geranium create charming compositions withwhite peonies gardeningpurgatory shootswoollyStachys byzantina and Artemisia mugwort are covered with a silvery-gray mist.

Bright shades of color contrast with violetof color yellow , while with different shadesviolet harmoniouslycombine light yellow tones. It's worth creating a summer, long-blooming composition with mossy Salvia nemorosa andspiked sageAgastache and light yellowslope whorlCoreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam' andblush yellowAnthemis tinctora.

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Nachył okółkowy Coreopsis verticillata (Photo: Fotolia.com)

The combination of purple and pink isextraordinary eye-catchingA wonderful, sophisticated color quartet is formed by dark purple flowers on the beddingiris beardedand light purplelavenderwith pink lupine and dark pinkpoppy seedeastern This combination can be complemented by delicate pink and whitepanicles inflorescence gaursGaura linheimeri. If the discount is large enough, we can arrange a romantic rug of flowering perennials in various shades - fromdark purpletolight pink

Skilful gradation of shades allows you to get the effect of enlivening the arrangement, which guarantees thatperennial rabatain purple will not get boring for a moment. In slightly shaded places of various heights, we can combine the bells species withgeraniumsLavender types who like sunbathing are supplemented withcatnipandsagegardenSalvia officinalis. An unusual summer combination will be created, very attractive to both the eyes and the sense of smell. On this beautiful flowerbed it is worth planting a few specimens of verbenapatagonianVerbena bonariensis. Her flowers ontall shoots , floating and slightly swaying above the ground, will give the wholearrangementairy lightness

By using color in the garden, you can disperse it over a large area or usestrong accent colorThen the color is concentrated at one point in the garden at a time. This effect is obtained by planting a larger number of plants of the same variety so that they form a compact group. Another version of the homogeneous group isborder , i.e. a row of plants of the same species: varieties grow around a mixed bed, alongpath ,stairsordrivewayPlants suitable for creating homogeneous groups must meet several important conditions: have a strong color of flowers, have a fairly long flowering period (3-4 weeks) and bloom profusely and evenly ( lupins permanent ,delphiniums ,kosaćce , lavender andsage ).

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