Since the arrangement of the home garden, ornamental shrubs have grown a lot and almost completely covered the entire narrow bed. Therefore, all the plants down to the cypress trees were removed first.It was connected with the careful digging of a lot of roots and fertilizing the new soil.The newly arranged flowerbed is decorated with colors of perennials, deciduous shrubs and grass, which conjure up a romantic aura here in autumn and winter.
Two magnificent clumps of miscanthus 'Silberfeder' create an effective background for other plants.On the other hand, the green cushions of the 'Compressum' and Stipa Stipa filled the gaps between perennials.Yellow-green tiny algae flowers develop in late May, supported by purple mossy sage 'Ostfriesland ', yellow-orange tritome and yellow yarrow umbels.In August they slowly open the rusty flowers of the Sedum plant Herbstfreude. Among the shrubs, the dwarf lilac 'Superba' blooms in May.
Since July, blue-violet budlea panicles attract our eyes and attract colorful butterflies. In August, delicate blue flowers open on the gray shoots of the barbula.The ground between the plants is covered with a thick layer of grit, perfectly stunning the weeds.Bed maintenance is limited to cutting grass shoots, perennials, budlei and barbula in the spring.
On a small plot of land it is best to plant:
1.Miscanthus Chinese'Silberfeder' Miscanthus sinensis, ornamental grass with arched leaves, reddish spikes in September, later becoming silvery, up to 2 m high, 2 pcs
2.Tritoma grape'Grandiflora' Kniphofia uvaria, from June to September yellow, orange and red inflorescences develop above the gray leaves, up to 120 m high, 20 pcs
3. Stipa barbata, grass in loose clumps, silver spikes in July and August, height 30-80 cm, 12 pcs.
4.Lilac small-leaved'Superba' Syringa microphylla, in May fragrant lilac-pink flowers in inflorescences up to 20 cm long, 1.5 m high, 2 pcs.
5.Omżyn Davida'Nanho Blue' Buddleja davidii, purple-blue flowers in panicles 25 cm long from July to October, up to 2 m high, 1 pc.
6.Yarrow Meadowsweet'Coronation Gold' Achillea filipendulina, golden yellow flowers from June to September, silvery gray leaves, height 70 cm, 25 pcs.
7.Barbula Klandońska'Heavenly Blue' Caryopteris clandonensis, narrow leaves from below, gray-green, dark blue flowers in August and September, approx. 1 m high, 2 pcs
8.Sage mossy'Ostfriesland' Salvia nemorosa, purple-blue flowers in June, height 50 cm, 20 pcs.
9. Japanese 'Compressum' Pennisetum alopecuroides, strong vital grass with bristly ears in August, height 80 cm, 3 pcs.
10.Sedum great'Herbstfreude' Sedum telephium, autumn umbellate inflorescences of rusty red color, height 50-70 cm, 15 pcs.
11.Przywrotnik'Ostfriesland' Alchemilla mollis, tiny green-yellow flowers develop in June and July, repeats flowering after cutting, height 50 cm, 16 pcs.
The appearance of the garden has been refreshed by changing the shape of the discount.In one corner, two sections of the low stone wall surrounding it were moved deeper into the plot.The part of the garden separated in this way was covered with light gravel.'Royal Purple' in the shape of a tree grows here, accompanied by a few clumps of ornamental grasses: imperaty 'Red Baron' and fescue 'Pic Carlit'. Additional decoration are stone balls of various sizes, perfectly matching the gravel surface.
There are cypresses and two rhododendrons at the wall of the house on the bed of the old arrangement.Cube-shaped box trees were planted right next to the wall.Between them there is a place for white blooming lavender 'Pic Carlit', 'Schneeflocke' clothes and Japanese red-leaved imperata grass. Behind them, a little more space is occupied by the gray-leaved woolly purgatory 'Cotton Ball'.
From July, white flowers of the Himalayan desert flower grow on tall stems, and the 'White Pearl' candlestick springs right next to it.
In the narrowest part of the discount there are two funkie varieties of 'Abba Dabba Do', which tolerate more sunlight.A second wig tree was planted next to the cypress trees.
Plants for narrow beds
1.Boxwood commonBuxus sempervirens, evergreen shrub shaped like a cube, size 30-40 cm, 5 pcs.
2.Perukowiec Podolski'Royal Purple' Cotinus coggygria, high-growing shrub grafted on a 80 cm tall trunk, in June and July 15 cm long open-work inflorescences, first green, then brown, wig-shaped infructescence, 2 pcs.
3.Candlestick straight'White Pearl' Cimicifuga simplex, arched white inflorescences in September and October, nice pinnate leaves, height 120-150 cm, 5 pcs.
4. Narrow-leaved lavender 'Blue Mountain White' Lavandula angustifolia, shrub up to 60 cm high, blooms white in June and July, spring pruning, 15 pcs.
5.Pustynnik HimalayanEremurus himalaicus, a vital species grows early and very quickly, white flowers open in June, height 180 cm, 10 pcs.
6.Purgatory woolly'Cotton Ball' Stachys byzantina, felted spherical white inflorescences develop on tall, strong shoots in June and July, also nice when dry, height 20-40 cm, 35 pcs.
7.Imperata cylindrical'Red Baron' Imperata cylindrica, non-flowering Japanese grass, the red color of the leaves becomes stronger in summer, requires covering in winter, height 30-40 cm, 25 pcs.
8.Dress up evergreengreen 'Schneeflocke' Iberis sempervirens, ground cover perennial, white flowers in April and May, shoots should be trimmed after flowering, height 20-25 cm , 18 pcs.
9. Funkia 'Abba Dabba Do' Hosta, tolerates the sun, olive leaves, lavender flowers in July and August, 50-90 cm high, 2 pcs.
10.Kostrzewa Broom'Pic Carlit' Festuca scoparia, always creates dense green pillows, 15 cm high, 25 pcs.