It is a nitrogen fertilizer containing sulfur, especially useful in the fertilization of acidophilic plants, because it has a physiologically acidic reaction.Used regularly, it has an acidifying effect
onto the substrate.
Sawdust from coniferous trees is mainly used to dress the holes. 5-10 liters of sawdust are used for one well and mixed with the soil. Mulching the soil under the shrubs with sawdust also gives good results.
Sulfur can be sprinkled, it is best to mix it thoroughly with the substrate. The finer the sulfur is, the more efficiently it will work.We use it at a dose of 100 g / m², preferably a few months before planting the plants.
Non-acidified high peat has a naturally low pH. We use it to prepare the substrate mixture. Usually, peat is mixed with the soil in a 1: 1 ratio, and then it fills the hole in which the bushes will be planted.
After diluting with water, water the growing plants with them.Water acidified with sulfuric acid can also be used.