Monstera holes in the plant Monstera deliciosa is a vigorous green climber with deeply cut leaves.Holes are formed on older leaves, hence the characteristic species name (they do not appear if the plant is in a dark place).
Monstera is relatively easy to grow, but needs to be watered and fed regularly. Creates air roots on the shoot, these should not be cut.
The maple tree Abutilon produces bell-shaped flowers all year round, but spends them the most in summer. The plant quickly grows to the size of a tall peace tree. We keep the optimal size by cutting the shoots regularly.
Klonik prefers temperatures above 15 ° C. In summer it needs to be watered regularly.White, orange and red flowering varieties are also available.
Cycas revoluta is one of the few species that has survived from prehistoric times.The plant comes from the tropics, grows slowly, but nevertheless lives to a ripe old age.We grow Sagowiec in a bright place, but not exposed to the sun. In summer, it is watered every few days and fed every two weeks. In winter, we irrigate sporadically, stop fertilization.
Peacock Sparmannia africana, also called porcupine, keeps its lush green color almost all year round.The giant leaves lose a lot of water, so the plant needs to be watered regularly.
However, there is nothing bad that would not work for good - lipka is an ecological air humidifier. The tree feels best in light, airy places, it draws white flowers.
Kalamonda Citrofortunella mitis surpasses other citrus plants in that it can stand in bright, heated living rooms also in winter.Soaking of the root ball should be absolutely avoided.
The tree grows to a height of about 150 cm. The fruit is sour, the shape resembles small oranges. Flavor the tea with juice.