Why plants should be fertilized and how to choose the right fertilizer? Complete tutorial


  1. When to fertilize?
  2. With what to fertilize?
  3. How does Osmocote fertilizer work?
  4. Fertilizers - profitability comparison (table)

By providing plants with food in the right amount and time, we can be sure that their growth and development will be correct. By following the requirements of each of them, we can guarantee better conditions and adaptation of the substrate.

When to fertilize?

The intensity and the period in which the plant should be fertilized depends on the growing season of the plants and the aforementioned requirements. Organic fertilizers can be used even several times a season.

It should be remembered that too frequent mineral fertilization and incorrectly selected doses of fertilizer, not in accordance with the description on the packaging, may lead to soil salinity. In this way, we worsen the physical condition of the soil, which prevents plants from properly developing and absorbing nutrients. When there is an excess of a specific element in the soil, we disturb the correct uptake of others.

When choosing fertilizers, we can divide them into spring and autumn. The former contain a high nitrogen content, which means that it is best to use them only until July. Then, let's change to those with an increased dose of phosphorus and potassium, which can be used already from August.If we want a more comprehensive action, you should think about the choice of all-season fertilizers that have a balanced composition and gradually release nutrients for a longer period . This will protect us when we forget to change the method of fertilization from spring to autumn. Long-acting fertilizer guarantees even soil replenishment with elements and protects plant roots.

With what to fertilize?

The best way to fertilize plants in the long term will be to choose an all-season fertilizer. An example of this isSubstral Osmocote - these are extra long-actingfertilizers, which, depending on their purpose, are used for:

  • for fertilizing all indoor and balcony plants and flowers (Flower Storm, House and Balloon, Rose, Rhododendron)
  • for fertilizing lawns (Osmocote Trawnik)
  • for fertilizing conifers, thujas, rhododendrons, azaleas, blueberries and other acidophilic plants (Osmocote Iglak),
  • for fertilization in all garden plants: fruit and ornamental shrubs, perennials, strawberries, fruit and ornamental trees (Osmocote Garden).

It is a product that was initially used only by professionals in the horticulture industry - nurseries and plantations. Its reliability, effectiveness and efficiency(use only once)has been widely appreciated. Thanks to this, it also reached every recipient who runs a garden as a hobby or is just setting it up.

How does Osmocote fertilizer work?

It is a professional long-acting fertilizer that slowly and gradually releases ingredients into the soil. As a result, the plant receives food step by step, in stages.This is an additional benefit - fertilizer is not wasted - when it is gradually absorbed by the soil, we are sure that we will not over-fertilize as in the case of other granulates.

The Osmocote fertilizer consists of granules protected by a special natural resin coating with nutrients inside.Thanks to the use of this technique, plants receive an appropriate dose of them every day, tailored to their needs. 7% of the product is a shell, inside it is 93% pure fertilizer, 100% soluble without any fillers.

The rate of nutrient release depends on the temperature and humidity of the substrate. The main rule - the higher the soil moisture and soil temperature, the more nutrients the plants need from the fertilizer.

The Osmocote coating dissolves after about a year and therefore does not remain as waste in the soil. It is a long-acting fertilizer -up to 6 months . This means that with a single application of the product to the soil, we will achieve visible results throughout the season.

Fertilizers - profitability comparison (table)

Osmocote fertilizers are long-acting and therefore very efficient. An important issue is the quality and absorption of nutrients.Compared to other granules, plants use up to 85% of the nutrients from Osmocote.Of ordinary granules, they use only 25% - the rest is wasted and penetrates the soil. Investing in a premium product of the highest quality is cheaper and more efficient than buying regular granules -more expensive to buy Osmocote is actually cheaper to use.You can easily compare it in the table below:

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