More about the plant below:
Dieffenbachia (Dieffenbachia)
category : potted
position : sun, partial shade
height : up to 2 m
wintering : room, room temperature
reaction soil : slightly acidic
preferences soil : fertile, humus, permeable
watering : moderate
color leaves/needles : green, white-green, yellow-green
color of flowers : white-green
shape : upright, tree-like
period flowering : different seasons, rarely
seed : -
reproduction:tip and shoot cuttings
persistence leaves : evergreen
application : rooms
pace height : medium
Dieffenbachia - silhouettePosition for difenbachiaDieffenbachia - irrigationFertilization of difenbachiaDieffenbachia - transplantingProtection of difenbachiaAdviceThe unique beauty of diphenbachia is determined by the varied pattern of leaves.Depending on the species, plants can reach a height of 150 cm and form leaves of various shapes - from oval to pointed.
Beautiful diphenbachia can be dangerous because, as a representative of picture animals, it contains poison, which, if swallowed, can cause paralysis in young children, and even death in small pets. Contact with skin may cause irritation.
Plants should be exposed in very bright places, at a temperature of 20 to 25 ° C.In winter, the temperature should not fall below 15 ° C. Partially shaded areas are tolerated well, the harsh sun causes burns . Dieffenbachia is very bad at drafts.
In summer, plants require a lot of water, but they cannot be poured over. Inin the winter, diphenbachia prefers a slightly drier environment.
From March to September it is recommended to feed once a week with one dose of liquid fertilizer. We do not supply power in winter.
We replant young plants in spring. Older specimens, woody in the lower parts of the main shoot, are rejuvenated by cutting the shoots strongly to a length of about 20 cm.The tops of the shoots can be rooted in water and used for cuttings.
Dieffenbachias are not usually attacked by pests and diseases. On a dry stand, spider mites and spider mites may occur.
Standing water at room temperature and low in calcium is best for watering diphenbachia.