It's good to know that garlic is one of the most cultivated vegetables in the world.The plant, valued for its spicy and medicinal qualities, often causes extremely unfavorable reactions due to its smell.We use the most common varieties of garlic Allium sativum, which give birth to underground onions (heads) made of cloves.
Garlic has been grown in the world for about 5,000 years. A very old European form is rocambul, or snake garlic, Allium sativum var. ophioscorodon.The plant produces long shoots ending in an inflorescence filled with air bulbs and sparse, usually sterile flowers.
Older garlic varieties can be recognized by their shorter flower shoots. New forms do not produce flowers.The breeders made sure that the plants devoted all their energy to the development of the bulbs.The varieties of garlic grown in European regions differ not only in the color of the shells and taste, but also in the size of the bulbs, the size and number of individual cloves and air bulbs.
Growing garlic is usually started with planting individual cloves forming a head. You can also plant bulbs from inflorescences.The plants that grow out of them are less susceptible to diseases, because the harmful microorganisms in the ground cannot infect the air bulbs.The heads obtained in this way are round and usually handsome, but undivided. Only in the second year of cultivation do they grow into large bulbs composed of many cloves. Ripe air bulbs are planted in fall or early spring every 3 cm.In June, we dig out the bulbs and keep them in a warm, shaded and airy place until autumn planting.
An interesting species is Allium tuberosum tuberous garlic. Its garden varieties are sown in a flower bed similar to chives or planted in pots. Flat leaves can be plucked on the fly, cut completely just above the ground, they also grow back easily. Young plants develop rather slowly in the first year. In the next season, tuberous garlic grows strongly and, depending on the variety, is decorated with white, red or purple flowers.
Garlic has been considered an important medicinal plant for centuries. It is known to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and to lower blood pressure.The little clove contains chemicals that are valuable for our he alth, essential oils, mineral s alts and microelements.The most valuable is raw garlic.
Botanical name:Allium
Cultivation:in autumn or spring we plant single cloves or small air bulbs; sandy loam, dry and sunny soil is the best
Care:hoeing 2-3 times during the growing season, regular weeding especially at the beginning of growth
Fertilization:3-5 l / m2 of compost before planting, additionally in May 25 g / m2 of granulated fertilizer
Collection:from mid (end) July
The best time to plant garlic in your own garden is September, the beginning of October at the latest. In areas with less favorable climates, selected varieties, such as 'Cyril' and 'Janus', are planted rather in the spring.Spring planting bulbs mature about 4 weeks later and are usually smaller than the autumn ones.However, spring garlic stores better than those planted in autumn. Lightly press the cloves into the ground, 10 cm apart, to a depth of approx.5 cm with the heel down, and finally cover them with earth.