Zucchini - growing zucchini

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Although I have a small vegetable garden, every year I find a place forzucchini . This plant not only tastes great, but also decorates flower beds wonderfully. I am always delighted with its sumptuous leaves and delicate flowers, which form fruits resembling clubs.

For the needs of a family of four, 2-3 bushes are enough for me.ZucchiniI sow straight into the ground in the second half of May. I keep a distance of about a meter between the seeds so that the plant can spread freely. I usually put 2-3 seeds in one hole. When they sprout, I leave the most fertile seedling. The rest - thinner ones - I pinch or cut them out with scissors.I do not tear them off, becausezucchinihave a very sensitive root system and such interference could harm a delicate plant.

I usually harvest the firstcourgettesaround June 20. I try to pick small fruits, because that's the best. In addition, young specimens do not yet have developed seeds, which is a great advantage when cooking. The vegetable is ready to pick when the flower at the end of the fruit is dry. I harvest every 2-3 days to stimulate the bush to continue producing fruit.

Emilia Szczepaniak

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