The grape gazebo is my father's work. Its execution was not difficult. All it took was willingness, skillful hands and the basic equipment of every DIY enthusiast.
Construction of an arbor
At the beginning, six posts need to be embedded in the ground to a depth of about 70 cm on a rectangular or square plan. The posts must be cut so that the structure lying on them creates a slight slope. Then a ladder is prepared for the vines. Crossbars are attached to the load-bearing posts, and wooden battens are screwed to them. They should be separated by about 50 cm.
It is best to locate the gazebo in such a way that the grape seedlings grow towards the south and in a quiet place - it accelerates the growth of the plant. The structure can be painted in your favorite color, and the wooden parts can be impregnated.
Grape care
For the gazebo to fully begin to fulfill its role, the grapes need several seasons to form a shady roof. As they grow, to facilitate their formation, shoots are lightly tied to the structure. Caring for a grape gazebo is not complicated or time-consuming - in the season it is enough to trim the vines once in a while. However, before winter, the grapes should be shortened so that only the main shoots remain on the structure, from which new ones will grow in the spring.
Such a gazebo is a great place for socializing and celebrating family celebrations. You can attach a hammock to the posts. It will be a good place for an afternoon rest in the shade.
Agnieszka Marchwiana