More about the plant below:
Bożykwiat Mead (Dodecatheon meadia)
category : perennials
position : partial shade
height : 30-50 cm
frost resistance : up to -20 ° C
reaction soil : neutral, slightly acidic
preferences soil : fertile, humus, well-drained, sandy loam
watering : a lot
color leaves/needles : green
color of flowers : pink, purple, white
shape : tufted
period flowering : May-June
seeding : autumn, spring
reproduction:division of clumps, root cuttings, sowing
persistence leaves : seasonal
application : discounts, rockeries
pace of growth : fast
Mead's godfather - silhouetteMead's godfather - developmental featuresStand for the idol flowerPlanting a godflowerMead's godflower - careMead's godfather - applicationAdviceThis filigree perennial related to primrose comes from North America.The genus includes 14 species, but the most popular is Mead's godfather. This plant blooms in May and June.The lilac-pink flowers have strongly curled petals and are reminiscent of cyclamen.
In garden conditions, almost exclusively interspecies crosses are cultivated. These forms are much smaller than botanical species, their flowers, however, are more interestingly colored, sometimes even two-colored.
Perennials reach a height of 15 to 50 cm. The leaves are shaped like a regular rosette and embedded beneath the flowers.
Bożykwiat prefers humus, moist, permeable, acidic substrates. Plants can be grown in sunny and semi-shaded places.If grown in sunny places, they must be watered regularly during the growing season.
Fleshy rhizomes are very sensitive, so they are sold in a pot. We plant rhizomes in the fall. Garden varieties are propagated by root division in early spring or by shoot cuttings.Non-hybrid forms can be easily propagated in autumn from seeds .
When plants are grown in the sun, they need to be watered regularly during the growing season.When leaves dry in July, plants should vegetate in dry conditions, otherwise they will rot.Fertilize in spring.
Bożykwiat is suitable for natural and rock gardens, mixed beds and small flower beds.
After flowering, the idyll dries up and literally disappears from the face of the earth. Therefore, the place of cultivation should be marked in some way.