Common ivy Hedera helix

More about the plant below:

Common ivy (Hedera helix)
category: climbers
position: partial shade, shade
height: up to 25 m
frost resistance: down to -25 ° C
soil reaction: slightly alkaline
soil preferences: humus, sandy loam; tolerant
watering: a lot
color of leaves / needles: green, white-green, yellow-green
flower color: green-yellow
habit: climbing
flowering period: September-October
seeding: -
reproduction: shoot cuttings
leaf durability: evergreen
application: gardens, (climbing or ground cover plant, balconies, terraces, rooms
growth rate: fast

Common ivy - silhouetteCommon ivy developmentCommon ivy - positionCommon ivy reproductionCommon ivy - careApplication of common ivyAdvice

Common ivy - silhouette

Common Ivy is a reliable climber that can also be used as a ground cover plant. It creates a dense carpet of leaves.Where ivy is accepted, weeds have virtually no chance.The advantage of this plant is longevity, there are examples of plants reaching the age of almost 400 years.Evergreen ivy is considered a symbol of eternal life. This symbolism has been with us since at least the Middle Ages.

Development of common ivy

Ivy is a vigorously growing, woody climber that folds nicely on flat surfaces.Lush leafy shoots form a kind of mats 10-30 cm thick.

Common ivy - position

Ivy easily adapts to almost any developmental conditions. It can grow in both sun and shade, and even in dry places. However, it prefers semi-shaded to shady sites, where the air humidity is moderate and the soil is fertile and humus.For plants, severe winter sun can be a threat, which can cause the so-called physiological drought.We talk about this phenomenon when plants give off water by evaporation and cannot replenish their reserves from the frozen ground.

Propagation of common ivy

The stems of the ivy root easily, so the plants can be propagated by cutting.

Common ivy - care

In dry places, plants should be protected from the sun, e.g. with a tux. Cutting the shoots causes their thickening.Plantings delineating the shoreline of flowerbeds should be constantly corrected.

Application of common ivy

Ivy is irreplaceable where the earth is dry and little sun.


Planting from ivy with islets of white and yellow narcissus looks very impressive.

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