Our winter is bad… Not everyone likes this time of year. Because it's frosty, gloomy, short days… And this snow! Nightmare! But fans of winter sports wait for this time all year round. And what to do when the weather is scarce for snowfall?Garden owners can easily make their dreams come trueof white down in a slightly different way.
Among perennials, annual plants and shrubs there are many species and varieties whose flowers, leaves and fruit resemble snowflakes.Some plants owe their "snow" names to flowering when the snow still covers the ground.
Discount in white and green? Why not!
The most famous example of this is the snowdrop (snowdrop snowdrop) Galanthus nivalis. Following the botanical name (Latin nivalis means snow-white, snowy), the Polish name speaks of a brave plant whose white flowers grow over the snow cover. Also very early (even in February or early March, when there is still snow), white flowers open up less known bulb plants: the spring snowstorm Leucojum vernum and the shining snowdrop Chionodoxa luciliae 'Alba'.
Among white-flowering ornamental shrubs, the connection with snow can be found in a few names of speciesIn March, its flower buds on still leafless shoots are opened by a native Korean, still little known here, snow forsythia (or white) Abeliophyllum distichum. In April, the American Carolingian snow Halesia Carolina blossoms, and in May, the Chionanthus virginicus snowmobile.
The "snow" names are given to many more varieties of ornamental shrubs. These are most often German (snow - Schnee) or English (snow). In spring, the white flowers of rhododendrons 'Schneegold', 'Schneeperle', 'Schneekrone', 'Schneeglanz', 'April Snow' delight.Among the roses decorating gardens with white flowers we can find the following varieties:'Schneewittchen', 'Snow Carpet', 'Snow Ballet'. It is also worth recommending the varieties of oak-leaved hydrangeas 'Snow Queen' and 'Snowflake' with magnificent conical inflorescences, as well as the garden hydrangea 'Snow Ball' with spherical inflorescences.
Snow also appears in the names of plants with ornamental leaves.The poetic name 'Schnee auf dem Berge' was given to a variety of edged spurge with many stipules with wide white edges. Winter skiing fans will surely love the 'Schneeferner' flame, named after the glacier in the Bavarian Alps.