Apios americana (Silhouette)

The legume vegetable growing wild in the eastern part of North America can also be successfully grown in Poland. Almost every part of this plant is edible: shoots, flowers, seeds growing in pods, but most of all tubers. Formerly, they were an important food for Indians as well as for the first European settlers.For archaeologists, they can be a clue where the habitats of humans were, because this plant has great survival potential.

The tubers of the apiosa americana are brown, mostly oval, and vary in size. They are connected to each other and form a chain. This is probably why French settlers called apiosa "the rosary".The tubers have a potato-nut flavor. They are the most delicious straight from the oven, but they can also be dried, fried or made into flour. They are inedible in their raw state.

Apios americana is rich in carbohydrate and protein, and is also high in calcium and iron, making it a high-energy food. Dla comparison: the content of iron is twice as high as in potatoes, and calcium is ten times higher.But don't forget that this plant also has decorative qualities.

Apios - appearance

Apios is a beautiful climber. Its shoots are 1-6 meters long. The leaves are pinnate, 5-7 leaflets, reaching a length of 8-15 cm.The eyes are also attracted by its beautiful flowers, which usually dress in pink, purple or red-brown colors.Their additional advantage is the violet scent. As with other butterflies, they are dorsal and gathered in clusters. They are bisexual, pollinated by insects. The plant bears fruit - green pods 5-13 cm long.

Apios americana adapts wonderfully to a variety of climatic conditions - from cool temperate zones to the subtropics. It is frost-resistant, although some studies claim that it requires covering in very cold winters. An ornamental climber with edible tubers, it prefers light, rich soil and a sunny position, although it can also grow in shade.Apios should be provided with acidic (pH 5), neutral or slightly alkaline soil.Also tolerates a humid environment. The plant requires supports to develop properly. They can be plants growing nearby.

Apiosa reproduction

We reproduce Apiosa primarily from tubers. It is also possible to obtain it from seeds, but these form very rarely.Tubers are obtained at any time of the year, but it is best to do it in spring.You just need to dig them up and plant them in the planned place.

It is also possible to harvest the tubers in the fall and store them over the winter in a cool, relatively dry, but frost-free place.They lose moisture quickly, so if they have been collected, we should store them where there is light moisture.In spring they are planted directly into the ground.

He alth properties of apiosa

Apios americana is an ally in the fight against hypertension, it also helps lower cholesterol and triglycerides.Its tubers have been shown to contain genistin and other isoflavones that have anti-cancer effects. Allergy beware: Apios americana, like peanuts, can be a strong sensitizer!

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