More about the plant below:
Anthurium (Anthurium)
category : potted
position : sun, partial shade
height : up to 0.6 m
wintering : room, 15-20oC
reaction soil : acidic
preferences soil : fertile, light, humus, permeable
watering : a lot
color leaves/needles : green
color of flowers (inflorescence vagina) : red, pink, purple, green, white, cream
shape : upright
period flowering : all year
seed : -
reproduction:stem suckers, division
persistence leaves : evergreen
application : rooms, cut flowers
pace of growth : fast
Anthurium - silhouetteStand for anthuriumIrrigation of anthuriumAnthurium - fertilizationTransplanting anthuriumProtection of anthuriumAdviceAnthurium looks great on window sills, distinguishing itself from other plants with remarkable flowers (basically flowers) in red or white and nice, dark green leaves. In optimal environmental conditions, flowers remain throughout the year.
Two species are the most popular: Anthurium Andraeanum (Andrego's antrium) and Anthurium Scherzerianum (Scherzer's antrium).The first one has a simple, usually yellow flower and a shiny appendix, the second one has an arcuate orange-colored flask and a matte appendix.
Anthurium prefers light rather than semi-shaded positions, does not like direct sunlight.The temperature in the place of cultivation should not fall below 16 degrees Celsius.
The substrate should be kept in moderate humidity, in winter it may be slightly drier.The root ball cannot be overflowed, use soft water for watering.From time to time, especially in winter, when the air inside is dry, sprinkle the leaves with water.
Fertilizers should be dosed in moderation.In summer, we feed the plants every two weeks, in winter - every four.
Recommended every two years. For planting, we use, among others soil for flowers mixed with shredded bark. We can divide and multiply larger specimens.
Aphids are rare. If the substrate is too wet, the roots can be attacked by rot.
Both types of Anthuriums are also suitable for hydroponic cultivation.In such cultivation, they are easier to care for.