Juccais one of the potted plants most often grown in our homes. It is decorated with stiff stems ending with a rosette of narrow, pointed leaves, thanks to which the appearance of the plant is very exotic. In addition, home yucca is relatively undemanding and easy to grow. See whatcare for home yuccagrown in a pot looks like, is it possiblereproduction of home yuccain amateur conditions, and whether your plant may be threatened by any home yucca disease
House Juka
Ashome yuccais most often grownelephant yucca(Yucca elephantipes). It is a houseplant that forms clumps of pointed leaves growing out of a thick trunk of various heights. Dull green, ribbon-shaped leaves are more or less stiff. Young leaves are erect and may bend later. Yucca is a very durable plant, but it is worth knowing how to care for it so that it looks nice for many years.
Home jukaappeared in our apartments quite recently, because in the 1970s, it resembles a palm tree and is an exotic accent at home. The domestic yucca is quite easy to care for, but we must make sure that it has enough light and that watering is not too abundant. These are the two most common causes of plant damage. In summer, you can keep the yucca outside, e.g. on the terrace, protecting it from direct sunlight.
The house yuccaneeds fresh air.Stuffy rooms should be avoided. Incare for home yuccaremember to water it regularly. The ground must be moist, but never wet. It is enough to water the yucca every 10 days, allowing the top layer of earth to dry between waterings. The domestic yucca tolerates high temperatures well, even above 20 ° C. Only for winter it is worth providing the plant with a slightly lower temperature - about 15 ° C (but let's make sure that the temperature never drops below 10 ° C!). Then you can also limit the frequency of watering - every 15 days. At the beginning of the growing season, yucca can be supplemented with a dose of compound fertilizer for potted plants.
Propagation of home yuccaconsists in collecting shoot cuttings from the mother plant. In other words - cut off a young leaf rosette from a woody trunk. This treatment is best done in the spring. Cut off the cuttings using a sharp knife and smear the cut wound on the mother plant with charcoal.We remove the lower leaves from the seedling and dip the end of the seedling into the rooting agent. Then we put the seedling in a hole prepared in the seedling substrate, gently knead it. The pot should be filled with a mixture of peat-sand substrate (2: 1).
Thenthe bred yuccaplace it in a moderately lit place, away from direct sunlight, ensuring warm temperature (above 20 ° C). It is worth remembering to provide a freshly planted plant with plenty of moisture, e.g. constantly sprinkle it or cover it with a foil tent. After 1 - 1.5 months, rooted cuttings can be transplanted into larger pots filled with soil for palm trees, yucca and dracaena.
Home yucca cuttings can also be rooted by dipping their ends in a pot of water and planted into the ground when they sprout. If you have a plant with a very tall stem, it can be cut into 10 cm pieces so that each of them contains at least one bud (from which the leaves will grow). Smear the upper part of each trunk fragment with charcoal, and dip the lower part in a rooting agent and put it into the ground.So as you can see, there are several different ways tobreed yucca
In the cultivation of yucca, there are sometimes some problems that may indicate the presence ofdiseases of domestic yuccaLet's try to distinguish between natural physiological changes and diseases of fungal or bacterial origin. Incorrect diagnosis and the use of the wrong preparation may accelerate the plant dieback. When buying yucca, you should pay attention to whether its leaves are well developed, he althy, without discoloration.
Ifhome yucca leaves turn yellowat the base of the plume, dry and fall one by one, this may indicate a normal phenomenon of stem formation. However, if this phenomenon is very intense, it means that we are over-watering the plant and providing it with too little light. As a result, the leaves are discolored and slack. In turn, too high temperature in the room, and at the same time too low air humidity, causethe ends of the yucca leaves turn brown and wither
Among the infectious diseases of yucca is very dangeroussoft bacterial rot of yuccaIn this disease, the leaves turn brown from the root to the apex, the tissues soften and an unpleasant odor is emitted. Fragments of the log also soften. Unfortunately, the infected plant cannot be saved, it must be thrown away, and other yucca growing nearby should be sprayed 2-3 times with the Biosept Active biopreparation alternately with Miedzian 50 WP.
Yucca log rotmay also have a fungal basis. In this case, the log darkens at the root and the lesion shifts upwards. The bark begins to peel off easily from the wood. Sometimes you can also see brownish mycelium hyphae. The plant can be helped by spraying and watering the soil with Topsin M 500 SC. If we noticed the symptoms of the disease too late, the plant cannot be saved.
Round or oblongspots on yucca leaves , initially gray or brown, with time to darken, may indicate yucca leaf spot or anthracnose.We don't need to learn to distinguish between these two diseases, as they are de alt with identically. The infested leaves must be removed and the plant sprayed with Biosept Active alternately with the fungicide Score 250 EC or the previously mentioned Topsin M 500 SC. In total, you need to spray 3 times at intervals of about 10 days.Remember that for the time of spraying, the plant must be moved outside the living quarters.
MSc Eng. Joanna Białowąs