Covering plants for the winter. When and what to cover the plants?

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It's getting colder outside the window. We need a warm jacket not only. It's time in the gardencovering plants for winter ! Why is it an important treatment andwhat plants to cover for the winter ? Seewhat to cover the plants for the winterand when it is best to do it so that the plants can cope with cold winds and low temperatures. See for yourself thatwinter plant coveringscan look aesthetically pleasing and… be a decorative element!

Covering plants for the winter. Winter flower pot covers can be very attractive!

Which plants should be covered for the winter?

Covering plants for winter allows for properoverwintering the most sensitive species of shrubs and treesSometimes you can find opinions thatcovering plants for winter is an unnecessary procedure, and sometimes even harmful plants. Such an assumption is most likely due tomistakes that can be made by covering plantswith inappropriate materials or doing it at the wrong time.

In winter, the frozen ground does not allow the plant to take up a sufficient amount of water , and the cold wind intensifies the cooling effect, exposing the plant to freezing and drying out. This is especially dangerous for evergreen plants.
Thereforeplants that are worth covering for the winter are primarily evergreen speciese.g. rhododendron, Japanese pieris, eastern laurel.
Do not forget about the roses, at the base of which we makea mound of garden soil or compost(and definitely avoid peat).

Good to knowIn a specific way you should protect the roses on the trunk for winter, the crowns of which are bent to the ground and covered with a mound of earth.

It is also worth protecting magnolia, dry trees, holly, David's bud and garden hydrangea for the winter.
Let's not forget about the grasses, especially the Japanese feather, Buchanan sedge, as well as the Chinese, sugar and giant miscanthus, the clumps of which we tie with string.

Winter cover also requires plants grown in potsIt is best to overwinter them in bright, cool rooms with a temperature of up to 5 ° C. When it is not possible to move the plant into the room, you can plant the pots in the ground, preferably in a quiet place.
However, if we do not have the option oftapping or carrying the pots into the room , we must ensure that they do not stand directly on concrete or stone ground, but on a 10 cm layer of polystyrene, which will insulate the pot from substrate.Such a location of the plant will prevent the roots from freezing.

Covering plants for the winter. Pots can be covered with straw

What to cover plants with for the winter?

Permeable materials should be used for covering plants for the winter to freeze. The lack of ventilation also leads to the development of fungal diseases.
To cover plants for the winter, it is worth usingwhite winter agrotextile with a thickness of 50g / m², which we wrap the plant two or three times, protective hoods made of agrotextile, conifer needles, shading net or straw mats . Leaves falling from trees in fall are great cover for low shrubs, creating anatural winter cover
In winter, plants lose a lot of water because they cannot absorb it through the root system, so we should supplement the mulch around the plants, thus protecting the plant against soil freezing. By covering the plants for the winter, you can makea mound of soil, compost or bark, at a height of 20-30 cm right next to the base of the bush.

Covering plants for the winter. Nonwoven agrotextile covers can also decorate!

Covering plants for the winter. At the foot of the bush, make a mound of pine bark, cover the whole with agrotextile and tie it with a decorative ribbon

Perennials and small shrubs sensitive to frost are covered with sprigs (conifer branches). Here, too, it is worth trying to add decorative elements

When to cover plants for winter?

The best time to cover plants for winter is mid-NovemberDo not reach for covers too early, because winter cover will raise the temperature of the substrate and lead to further vegetation of the plant, delaying its entry into state of winter dormancy.It is the first time the temperature drops below zero that may result in freezing.
Therefore,covering plants should be done only when regular frosts comeand the soil freezes to a depth of 3-4 cm.
Allmaterials for covering plants for the winter , such as agrotextile and comfortable winter protective hoods, should be prepared a bit earlier, so that you don't miss the right moment to cover the plants. To seethe cheapest offer for winter cover plants , press the button below: -)


MSc Eng. Joanna Białowąs

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