In late autumn, summer and early autumn crops disappear from the plots. It is worth starting the preparations for the next growing season and thinking aboutfertilizing plants in autumnSee what are the benefits of fertilizing plants in autumn, when is it best to apply autumn fertilizers,how to dose fertilizers in autumn and which fertilizers are the best for fertilizing plants in autumn.
Fertilizing plants in autumn
The fall season for fertilizationhas many benefits. First of all, we will avoid the possibility of plant burnout, which may occur as a result of too intensive use of fertilizer in spring.During the winter, the fertilizer components will undergo favorable changes, the ballast elements will be washed away and the fertilizer will be well distributed in the soil. We can also use cheaper forms of fertilizers, the use of which in spring would be ineffective or even harmful to plants. Anotherargument in favor of fertilization in the fallis to reduce the intensity of work in the garden at this time of the year. In the spring, we will be able to devote our energies to other gardening works.
Autumn is a good time to fertilize the soil with potassium and phosphorusWe can also apply liming. However, we do not use nitrogen as it will be leached from the soil during the winter. Besides,nitrogen given in autumn directly under the plants, stimulates their growth and makes it difficult to enter winter dormancyThe exception is the use of nitrogen in the form of urea under fruit trees, which, however, is performed only when the plants have finished growing, and its main goal is not nitrogen fertilization, but the fight against the dangerous disease of fruit trees, which is apple scab (fallen leaves are sprayed to accelerate their decomposition and destroy the scab mycelium).
The rule is thatfertilizers used in the fall should be nitrogen-pooror not at all. A good example of such a fertilizer is wood ash, rich in macro- and microelements necessary for plants, except for nitrogen, which is released into the atmosphere during the combustion process.
Bas alt flour is a perfect fall fertilizer as a nitrogen-free fertilizerIt is a mineral fertilizer of natural origin, made from grinding volcanic rock. Bas alt flour is rich in many macro- and microelements, and at the same time it does not contain nitrogen and does not pose the risk of over-fertilization (minerals are released very slowly, as the plants need it). Bas alt flour promotes soil fertilization and aeration (supports the development of aerobic microorganisms), and the silicon it contains makes plants resistant to diseases.
Before applying fertilizers in the fall, it is worth taking soil samplesand testing them at one of the chemical-agricultural stations or another gardening laboratory.Such tests should be performed at least every 3 years. By using fertilizers by eye, we risk that we will use the wrong doses of individual fertilizers, which may be very unfavorable for our crops. Differences innutrient content in individual fertilizers applied in autumnare presented in the table below."
However, sincemost people in amateur crops use fertilizers intuitively , we will try to indicate below what symptoms may indicate the lack of individual components in the soil. In the case of amateur fertilization by eye, we also suggest choosingsafe fertilizers that do not pose the risk of over-fertilization , such as the aforementioned bas alt flour. "
Potassium is especially needed for young plants, thereforeit is worth introducing it into the soil in autumnIf there was a shortage of potassium in the soil on our plot - plant growth was inhibited, shoots became limp and thin, and the leaves may have discoloration.
To make up for the lack of potassium in the soil,when fertilizing plants in the fall, we can usepotassium s alts (sulphate and chloride), which are easily dissolved in water and are absorbed by plants. On heavier soils, we apply all potassium fertilizers in the fall. On lighter soils, partial fertilization is recommended in autumn (e.g. 50% of the dose), and partial fertilization in spring, due to the possibility of washing away potassium by water. The fertilizer should be well mixed with the soil.
Lack of phosphorus in the soil is manifested by a purple or reddish discoloration of the leaves. The leaves have brown tips and curve downwards.Among the phosphorus fertilizers suitable for autumn chewing are superphosphates, as well as phosphate rock and bone mealMeals are slow-acting fertilizers (even up to several years). They should be used on acidic and moist soils. The application of flour on alkaline and dry soils is ineffective.To increase the availability of the ingredient, we can mix phosphorus fertilizer with organic fertilizer, manure or compost, and in the spring apply a fertilizer that acidifies the substrate.
Note! To ensure that the plants absorb phosphorus fertilizers well, do not mix these fertilizers with calcium-containing fertilizers.
Liming the soil increases its pH. It is therefore obvious that liming should only be done when our soil is too acidic. The pH of neutral soil is 7. A lower pH means that the soil is acidic, a higher one - that we are dealing with an alkaline soil.When liming, we use fertilizers containing magnesium , because Polish soils often lack this nutrient.It is best to use dolomite or magnesium limeRemember to spread the calcium fertilizer only during windless days, and protect your eyes with protective glasses.
If we do not feel strong enough to choose the doses of the above-mentioned mineral fertilizers on our own, we can use ready-made autumn fertilizer mixtures, universal or intended for specific groups of plants.
To fertilize the plants in the fall, it is worth using organic fertilizers , such as manure and compost. We use organic fertilization during the autumn digging of the soil - thanks to this, we will place the fertilizer ingredients deep enough in the soil, in the place where the main mass of the roots develops, and the minerals they contain will be best absorbed in spring.
If we compare organic and mineral fertilizers by weight, it turns out that organic fertilizers contain much less minerals (the content of individual fertilizers is shown in the table at the end of the text). However, organic fertilizers are valued in organic farming and also contain other ingredients (organic matter) that have a positive effect on plants. Manure is rich in many micronutrients and is a permanent source of nitrogen.Its addition improves soil structure and water retention.
Fall fertilization of plants with compost and manure, which are fertilizers of natural origin, should be the basic fertilization used in amateur crops in home and allotment gardens. In the case of excessive soil acidification, it is also worth using natural calcium fertilizer, such as. e.g. Dolomite, formed as a result of grinding dolomite rocks.
Prepared on the basis of: Wielka Encyklopedia Ogrodnictwa, Muza SA, Warsaw 1994, pp. 530-533, and articles in Działkowiec, No. 10/95, p. 33 and No. 10/2003, pp. 56-58.