Beautiful and dangerous monkshood

Dark, blue-violet shining magically on the beddingflowers autumn aconiteCollected in dense panicles on straight stems look great in partial shade undershrubsortreesaccompanied by ornamental perennials: Japanese anemones andcandlesticks, funkii and ferns. The aconite inflorescences are surrounded by a mysterious-magnetic aura, which the plant owes not only to the wonderful, slightlydisturbing colors , but alsopoisons contained in tissues.

Autumnaconite CarmichaelaAconitum carmichaelii is one of the most famous representatives of the genus monkshood.A magnificent perennial, about 1.4 m tall, blooms inSeptemberandOctober , effectively crowning the colorful season in the garden. Already in June,strong monkshoodAconitum napellus with shoots up to 1.2 m high and little knowncommon aconiteAconitum vulparia, which reaches a height of only 80 cm and has small creamy-yellow flowers. In July,tojad gardenAconitum x cammarum with flowers not only blue, but also blue and white.

Note: monkshood is a poisonous plant!

Aconite is a beautiful summer and autumn perennial, but beauty can be tricky. All its parts are poisonous (especially the tubers and leaves) because they contain the alkaloid aconitine, one of the most potent plant poisons. Even a small dose of it can shock the respiratory center and inhibit the heart rate. If there are small children in the garden, do not cultivate aconite.

Wear protective gloves when carrying out maintenance work on monkshoods. If you accidentally catch leaves or a shoot of a plant with your bare hand, wash your hands thoroughly as soon as possible.

Remember that all monkshoods have similar requirements. They like soilpróchniczną ,deep cultivated ,fertileandwetThey feel best in places sheltered from the wind and partially shaded, under a roof made of bushes or trees. If monkshood grows in a sunny bed, it is necessary to ensure that the substrate is well moistened, which should cover and cool the ground cover plants. If the earth istoo warmanddry , perennials become much more vulnerable to infectiondiseases fungal diseases , such as powdery mildew.

After a few years, when monkshoods begin to bloom less impressively, we can rejuvenate them by dividing them. In the falldig up plantand tear off the smallertubersfrom the main part of the roots, and cover them with a two-centimeterwith a layer soilBefore that, put a portion of the compost into the hole. In this way, the mysterious beauty will appear on the discount in all its glory also innext years

Charming autumn discount

A few attractive perennials are enough to make a small shaded corner (here 100x80 cm) enchant with beautiful flowers and leaves at the end of summer and autumn.

1.Carmichaela AconitumAconitum carmichaelii 'Arendsii' (2 x 1 pcs.);

2.Candle holder straightCimicifuga simplex (1 pc.);

3.Autumn AnemoneAnemone japonica hort. 'Königin Charlotte' (1 pc.);

4.Wavy funkiaHosta undulata 'Albomarginata'.

The white and green leaves of the funkii have been decorated with a discount since spring. The semi-double pink flowers of the autumn anemone open from August. White brush-like panicles of candlestick inflorescences and purple-blue monkshood inflorescences develop the latest, only in September. Before that, they decorated the bed with evergreen and glossy leaves.

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