Wild strawberriesare tasty and very he althy fruits, which are associated with forest, sunny glades. However, you don't have to go all the way to the forest to enjoy their delicious fruits. It is worth trying to grow them, even in pots on the balcony. See how easy it isgrowing wild strawberries on the balconyand how little care these plants need, how to choose goodvarieties of wild strawberries for the balconyandlike winter wild strawberries in a potto enjoy the taste of their fruit again next year!
Wild strawberries harvested from the cultivation on the balcony
Fig. depositphotos.com
Wild strawberries on the balcony can be grownfrom ready-made seedlings purchased in a garden store or from self-prepared seedlings.
To prepare the wild strawberry seedling, the seeds should be sown in February in an apartment, greenhouse or a heated foil tunnel.The seeds of wild strawberries are sown in projections or in strips intoboxes filled with compost soil mixed with sand and peat in equal amounts (in a ratio of 1: 1: 1). The seeds are gently pressed into the ground and then covered with a thin layer of sand. Finally, the substrate should be watered with water, and the boxes should be wrapped with foil and placed in a bright place.
Optimalthe temperature of wild strawberry seeds germinationis 20-24 °. Until emergence, the substrate should be watered abundantly. After emergence, watering is limited to avoid infestation of the seedlings by diseases.
When the wild strawberry seedlings produce 2-3 proper leaves, quilt them at a distance of 2x2 cm. After a few weeks, the seedlings are picked up again, planting them at a 4x4 cm spacing. The ready track is planted on a permanent place at the beginning of May.
We can plant wild strawberries on the balcony in May. Regardless of whether we bought a ready-made seedling or obtained it from our own sowing, they require 5-7 days of hardening before planting wild strawberries on the balcony. Initially, we put them on the balcony only for the day, and at night we hide them indoors, extending the time they spend outside from day to day.
The soil for wild strawberries grown on the balconyshould be humus, permeable and slightly acidic (pH 5.5 - 6.5). For wild strawberries growing on the balcony, you can prepare a substrate consisting of universal soil, peat, sand and compost. If we do not have these ingredients, you can buy ready-made soil for vegetables.
It's also a good ideato mix the soil for wild strawberries with TerraCottThis preparation contains a starting dose of fertilizer, improves the soil structure (loosens it and prevents clumping) and at the same time helps to maintain moisture.The hydrogel in TerraCottem absorbs water during watering and gives it back when the soil begins to dry out. As a result, the soil is never too wet or too dry. It works perfectly in the cultivation of all kinds of plants in pots.
Wild strawberries on the balcony can be grown in oblong boxes, large plastic pots or in clay pots.Wild strawberries are planted at intervals of 20-30 cm . It is not worth planting them tighter, because they will bear fruit poorly and will suffer from diseases.
A sunny positionwill be the best for wild strawberries growing on the balcony, but not too hot. They will grow very well and bear fruit also in a semi-shaded position.
Wild strawberries do not tolerate the drying of the substrate badly.The lack of water in the substrate reacts with wilting of the leaves, weaker fruiting and deterioration of the quality of the crop. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the soil in the container remains moist as long as possible.In addition to using the aforementioned TerraCott, it is recommended tomulch wild strawberries in boxes and potsWe can use straw or dark nonwoven agrotextile as bedding. In addition to keeping it moist, the mulch will also protect low-growing fruits from getting dirty.
Wild strawberries growing in a container quickly consume nutrients from the ground. Therefore, regular fertilization is very important.To fertilize wild strawberries on the balconyit is best to use organic fertilizers of natural origin, such as e.g. biohumus. If necessary, you can use liquid or water-soluble mineral fertilizers for strawberries and wild strawberries.
Even the best variety of wild strawberries begins to bear fruit less and less after some time. Thereforethe wild strawberries growing on the balcony are replaced every 3-4 yearsBefore planting new plants, be sure to thoroughly wash the pots to avoid the risk of disease transmission.It is best to wash the pots with water and detergent. Garden soap with the addition of garlic, which has disinfecting properties, works great. New plants should be planted in fresh soil.
Although wild strawberries are low temperature resistant plants, grown in a container may not survive the winter. There is one reason - soil freezes very easily in pots and balcony boxes. To prevent this from happening, it is worthto bury the pots with wild strawberries in the garden before the onset of winter
If we do not have a garden, the container with wild strawberries must be carefully protected against frost.Winter protection of wild strawberries on the balconycan be made of a straw mat or thick non-woven fabric. It is a good idea to put the pots with wild strawberries into a large cardboard box, on the bottom of which we put polystyrene as insulation material. After placing the pots on polystyrene, the free spaces are filled with straw, pieces of agrotextile or cut newspapers.The whole thing should also be covered from the top with a thick layer of straw bedding.
Another solution ismoving the crates and pots with wild strawberriesto a cool and bright room, e.g. a basement with a window or to the veranda.
Duringstoring wild strawberries , remember to water them on frost-free days so that the soil in the pots does not dry out completely. Otherwise, the plants without access to water will die.
For cultivation on the balcony, thevarieties of wild strawberries are especially recommended, as they yield profusely , are undemanding and bear large, aromatic fruit. Among such varieties, four deserve special attention: 'Yellow Wonder', 'Rugia', 'Baron Solemacher' and 'Attila'.
Wild strawberry 'Yellow Wonder'- this is a very original variety of wild strawberry that is perfect for growing in a pot or a balcony box. Its fruits are cone-shaped and vivid yellow in color, and additionally they are characterized by an exceptionally good taste and a wonderful aroma.
Wild strawberry 'Rugia'- this is one of the tastiest varieties of wild strawberries, which is also perfect for container cultivation. It produces intensely red and juicy fruit in the shape of an elongated, narrow cone. They are very aromatic and taste reminiscent of wild wild strawberries.
Strawberry 'Baron Solemacher'- this variety produces unusually large fruit with an ovoid or heart-shaped shape. Their color varies - from light yellow, through white to dark red. The flesh is juicy, aromatic and very tasty.
Strawberry 'Attila'- a variety with an unusual habit, extremely attractive and sought after by collectors of balcony curiosities. It creates long stolons, up to 1.5 m in length, on which red fruit develop. The fruit also appears on the mother plant. Wild strawberries of this variety look best when planted in suspended pots.
MSc Eng. Agnieszka Lach
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