Practical Gardener: planting bulbs in boxes

Decorative garden in October

We divide perennials

We can replant and divide perennials until about the middle of the month. It is not worth postponing it, because the carp may not have time to take root before the frost sets in.

Digging out geophytes
We dig out geophytes that do not winter in the ground - beadlets, dahlias, cinnabar.The cleaned underground organs are transported to a dry and cool room for the winter.Dahlia and pearly carps, tuber begonia tubers, lily bulbs are kept in sawdust or peat.

Perennials ending the vegetation should be pruned to the height of approx. 15 cm. We leave in flowerbeds species that decorate the garden in winter, e.g. inflorescences of grasses and echinacea.We remove weeds, fallen leaves and all dead plant debris so that they do not become a winter haven for pests and diseases.

Balconies and terraces: last call for planting bulbs into boxes

At the beginning of October, you can still plant narcissus, tulip or sapphire bulbs.For this purpose, we use simple vessels in which flowering plants are best displayed.Wooden boxes are an ideal solution, because we can put onions in them in two layers.

First, pour a five-centimeter layer of gravel (drainage) on the bottom of the container, and on it the same layer of substrate, e.g. peat substrate, in which we evenly arrange the bulbs, e.g. trumpet narcissus, so that they do not touch each other or with the sides of the box.

Later we cover with a layer of substrate so that only the tops of the bulbs stick out.For a 30 x 60 cm box you need 10 large bulbs. Then we plant 20 smaller bulbs of small-flowered narcissus (two varieties of 10 each) between the bulbs from the first tier, fill the box with substrate 2-3 cm below the edge of the box and water it generously.

After the first light frosts come, cover the container with a straw mat or bubble wrap, and cover the top with peat.Place the box in a quiet place. In spring, we gradually remove the anti-frost protection, and when the buds appear, we feed them every 10-14 days with fertilizers. By following the described procedure, we will ensure a beautiful spring on the balcony.

Trees and shrubs: Kousa dogwood for sunny positions

In October, numerous ornamental trees and shrubs decorate gardens with beautifully colored leaves. Such a beautiful shrub is the dogwood Kousa, which grows naturally in the mountain forests of Japan on the islands of Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu.Its leaves turn a scarlet-red color with a purple tinge in autumn and remain on the tree for a long time.The cultivar 'Gold Star' is available in cultivation with leaves with a clear yellow drawing in the center of the leaf blade.

The yellow color on the leaves lasts quite a long time, until autumn. Then the leaves turn orange-red. Dogwood Kousa likes sunny locations and diffused light.Prefers moist places, fertile soils with a high proportion of organic matter, acidic and neutralIt looks nice when planted with rhododendrons and palm maples.

Orchard: for pear trees to bear fruit every year …

Pear trees establish the most valuable flower buds on shoots. The best fruit grows on these smallest twigs. Older shoots left without cutting will spontaneously become covered with short shoots.Often, long, strong, vertically growing shoots called wolves grow in the crown. They are the least useful. They do not grow pears because they are covered only with leaves.

The aim of the basic pruning will therefore be to keep smaller twigs and shoots on the tree, and to remove long shoots.Treatments limiting the growth of unnecessary long shoots are very helpful.The most important is bending these shoots horizontally using strings or suspended weights.

As a result, the young twig stops growing strongly and soon becomes covered with flower buds, from which the fruit develops.In the following years, almost exclusively fruit-bearing shoots grow on such a bent branch.This treatment is of particular importance in young pear trees, the crown of which is not yet fully formed. With time, there are so many old branches and branches of shoots that when autumn comes, the branches bend under the weight of the fruit.

Vegetable in October

Green vegetables

Green tomatoes can be used for direct consumption, for example in salads.

He althy Pumpkin
Pumpkin is a very good source of vitamins, because it contains significant amounts of carotenoids, and its seeds are a he althy and tasty snack.

We plan flower beds

The planning of the flower beds should be well thought out, so that the vegetables are he althy.In addition to rotating, you can also choose the right varieties that are resistant to the most common diseases.

A dose of vitamins for winter
Chives obtained as a result of forcing can provide us with a fresh portion of vitamins in autumn and winter days.2-year-old clumps, from which leaves were not collected, or 1-year-old, very well-grown clumps are used for forcing.

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