Stairs in the gardenare an excellent solution if paths and pedestrian routes run along slopes and hills.DIY stairs in the gardencan be quite a challenge, if we have no experience. Because how to choosedimensions of stairsso that moving on them is smooth and comfortable? What determines the functionality and aesthetics of stairs in the garden? And what materials to choose for the construction of stairs in the garden? Seehow to build a garden staircasethat will meet all your expectations!
Various materials and technologies can be used to make garden stairs. The simplest are ready-made stair elements. The photo shows pastello broken (split) steps from the Libet Completto family.
The basic problem in the development of a very sloping terrainis the organization of communication (both on foot and by road). While on a flat plot, it is most often limited to marking the shortest access route from the gate to the entrance and from the gate to the garage entrance, the plot with a large slope forces you to think over and choose the most convenient routes and solutions. Of course, in the case of driveways, only a ramp is considered, but when designing sidewalks, it is worth consideringmaking stairs in the garden
Potentially difficult to manage differentiation of levels in the garden can turn into its strength ifcleverly arrange stairs in the gardenand raised rebates, supported by retaining walls.
First of allstairs in the garden have both aesthetic and functional advantages- they take up much less space than ramps.If we decide to build stairs, the first thing we need to take into account is the appropriatedimensions of the stepsThe rule is thatthe sum of the double step height plus its width should be between 60 and 65 cm
The material used shapes the style. Ventia (Libet Impressio) stair treads have a characteristic edge with a cut stone block texture
It results directly from the average length of an adult's step, whilefor external stairs it is worth taking larger values of the step width at the expense of its heightVery convenient are, for example, steps with dimensions of 30-35 cm (width) by 15cm (height), and even 42x9cm. The stairs constructed in this way allowcomfortable walking without changing the pace, length and rhythm of stepsThis is very important, especially if they will be in a place that we will climb many times a day, for example before entering to the building.
Treads composed of a palisade and a filling made of Piccola cubes (Libet Decco). The colors of bianco carrara and nero allowed to free the imagination and create a musical staircase
Venetia terrace slabs (Libet Impressio) for the construction of the circle were used to make the overhung steps. They look very effective
The number of steps in the garden stairs is also importantThe natural walking rhythm of a person is usually odd, so it is good if the number of steps in the run is also odd. Rather, less than three steps should not be used. One is an easy-to-miss stumble, while two disturb the odd rhythm of the steps.The upper boundary above which it is worth separating the stairs in the garden with a landing is five stepsThis is obviously not necessary, but psychologically it is easier to overcome two ascents of three steps than one six-step.It is also worthto adjust the width of the stepsto the multiple of the dimension of the selected cube from which we will make them. You can consider replacing the paving stones with slightly overlapping stone slabs with a height equal to the assumed height of the step. "
It is also worth rememberingready-made stair blocksEach of these materials requires a different method of fixing to the ground. In some cases, it may even be necessary to make a concrete foundation and glue the elements to it with a permanently elastic adhesive. This is especially important if we want to obtain overhung steps, the elements of which do not lie with their entire surface on the foundation. In most cases, however, it is enough to have the appropriatepreparation and compaction of the substrate, the same as in the case of paved surfacesRegardless of the material, however, remember to ensure a slight slope (approx. 0.5 - 1% is enough) to prevent stopping water on the steps.Otherwise we will not be bothered bystairs in the garden with stagnant water between the steps
When choosingthe construction of stairs in the gardenit is good to predict whether they will serve as the primary function of a pedestrian path from the street to the house (garden), or one of its alternatives. In our house and garden, a person in a wheelchair, on crutches or simply an older person may appear, for whom it may be difficult to climb even a few steps.
As you can see,garden arrangement in undulating terrainis not easy, it requires reflection and deeper reflection. On the other hand, a properly treated and varied terrain can become a potential strength of the design and a distinctive, strong point of the later garden.Read also: