Thujais a plant that enjoys immeasurable popularity among gardening enthusiasts, eagerly planted especially for hedges. Its popularity was influenced by relatively easy cultivation, preservation of ornamental values throughout the year, as well as the availability of various forms, differing in habit (e.g. spherical, conical, columnar), color, growth rate and size. However, it is worth knowing that, depending on the species, the requirements of thuja are slightly different, and with improper care, these plants can cause trouble and disease. Moreover, there are several false myths about them that lead to mistakes in cultivation.See what it should look liketui plantingin the garden, ortui fertilizationis a complicated matter and when is the best time to dotui cuttingHere's what you need to know to keep your thuja in excellent condition.
Thuja, thuja
Thuja , whose more correct name is thuja (Latin Thuja) is a genus of evergreen trees and shrubs from the cypress family (Cupressaceae). Only a few species belong to it, and three of them are found in gardens: the thuja occdentalis and, less frequently, the thuja orientalis and the giant thuja (Thuja plicata). The most popular are Western thuja hedge varieties, such as thuja Brabant and thuja Szmaragd.
Note - changes in the classification of tui !!!
With the above-mentioned division of thyme, it is worth noting that it is no longer valid, although still widely used.According to the latest classification, due to morphological differences, the Eastern thuja has been classified into a separate type of eastern biota (Biota orientalis, syn. Platycladus orientalis). In practice, however, this information is not very widespread, and the plant is still sold under the namethujaor thuja. However, do not be surprised if someone introduces you to a well-known plant as a biota.
The natural environment of thuja is North America and Asia, while in gardens numerous varieties of thuja are cultivated almost all over the world. In our country,tuje are plantedin parks, cemeteries and used for fast-growing, formed hedges.
Thuja branchesare flaccid and very dense, usually down to the ground, although sometimes older specimens can strip themselves from the bottom. The shoots are covered with densely adjacent, flat, scaly leaves. When rubbed, they give off a clear resinous smell. These plants also produce egg-shaped cones composed of several leathery scales. The seeds are elliptical, they can be flat and winged, or thick, seedy and wingless.
Due to their similar appearance, thuja are often confused with cypress trees. In order to distinguish them, it is worth noting that in thuja the tops of the shoots are always erect (in cypresses they hang down), and the scales never turn blue. A mistaken purchase of a cypress instead of a thuja usually ends with a failure in cultivation, because cypress trees are less frost-resistant and have higher cultivation requirements, and they tolerate any oversight very badly on our part.
When discussing the requirements of thuja, it is worth noting that they are slightly different depending on the species and variety. It is a mistake to treat all thives equally.
Workstation . Thuja requires sunny to slightly shaded locations. If we cannot provide them with full sun, it is worth knowing the requirements of a given variety before choosing it, as not all of them tolerate partial shade.
Frost resistance . Most thuja is also fully frost-resistant, but this feature also depends on the species and variety. The most frost-resistant specimens can be found among the varieties of the Western Thuja.
SoilThujas are considered to be undemanding plants, but they grow best in well-fertilized soils, rich in nutrients and sufficiently moist. Thuja planted in soil that is too dry and poor in nutrients will react with the loss of color, browning and sometimes intensive shedding of scales or cutting down of lower branches. In such weakened plants, it is easy to become infected with the fungus, causing dieback of shoots of coniferous trees and shrubs. If this happens, spray with Topsin M 500 SC or Dithane NeoTec 75 WG fungicides.
Warning - thousands of people make this mistake!
It is also necessary to distinguish between the soil requirements of the western thuja and the eastern thuja. The Eastern Thuja requires fresh, fertile and moist soil with a slightly acid reaction, while the Eastern Thuja is more tolerant of soils, although it feels best on calcareous, deeply cultivated, permeable and warm soils.Here, the basic error in the cultivation of thuja is highlighted - the persistent acidification of the soil under these plants, which is not good for them.
Thuja plantingis usually carried out in early spring or autumn. Then the plants best acclimatize to the new position. However, they are mainly sold in containers, which allows them to be planted throughout the growing season - from spring to autumn.
Before planting thuja, the soil should be thoroughly cleaned of weeds , because the competition with them, the nutrients in the soil weaken strongly. Then, dig a sufficiently deep hole, which should be covered with compost soil, peat or well-distributed manure at the bottom.
To ensure he althy thuja growth, add TerraCottem to the groundIt contains a starting dose of fertilizer, fragments of volcanic rock that will loosen the soil around the thuja roots, and a hydrogel, thanks to which the soil remains moist for a long time.This is veryit will facilitate the adoption of the newly planted thuja and make them more resistant to drought
Thuja mycorrhiza may also be helpful. The product contains mycorrhizal fungisymbiotic with the roots of thuja, making it easier for the plant to absorb nutrients and water from the substrateThis improves plant growth and makes them resistant to environmental stresses, including drought.
After placing the plant and filling the hole , it is worth watering the thujas abundantly. The soil under the plants should be mulched with bark, which not only looks good under thujas, but also reduces the evaporation of water from the soil and the growth of weeds.
WateringThuja require moist soils and prolonged periods of drought can harm them. This is especially true of the eastern thuja. Therefore, in periods of sunny and dry weather, they should be watered abundantly at least once a week, and thujas grown in pots even more often.It is also worth knowing that it is very important to water plants in winter. Well, evergreen thuja shoots need water all the time, and in winter they are additionally dried by frosty, dry winds. Meanwhile, after the soil freezes, plants have a hard time getting water. Therefore, in late autumn, before the first frosts, it is worth watering abundantly and repeating this treatment in winter, during the thaw. Thanks to this, the thuja will see spring in a much better condition.
Fertilization of tuistarts in spring and continues until mid-July. Universal mineral fertilizers and fertilizers for conifers can be used in accordance with the instructions for their use (usually fertilizer is sprinkled on it once a month). Subsequent fertilization with these fertilizers is not beneficial as it slows down the woody of the shoots. From August to September, however, autumn fertilizers can be given nitrogen-poor.
Cutting tuidepends mainly on the variety and purpose of the planted plants.Mainly threshing plants in hedges require regular pruning. Generally speaking, you can prune the thujas from spring to mid-summer for the purpose of shaping or removing browning twigs. Especially in spring, it is worth cutting out frozen shoots, and a slight shortening of the remaining ones will contribute to the branching and thickening of the plant. Since August, we do not cut thuja anymore, because pruning too late exposes the plants to frost.
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