Yucca is a beautiful flower that looks beautiful both alone and in groups. Its aesthetic qualities also look good with other perennials and grasses. These are plants that are not very demanding. From their leaves they form wide rosettes, from which grow long stalks on which flowers grow. The flowers of each type of yucca look the same, have six petals, six stamens and a pistil. The yucca fruit are bags. The lanceolate yucca leaves are used to make mats and ropes, and are used for the production of fabrics and paper. How to care for garden yucca ?.
Garden yucca does not have too high requirements. Its cultivation and care will not bring any problems if we follow a few important rules. Care treatments are primarily aimed at increasing the aesthetic value of this plant. The substrate for yucca should be quite permeable, as they do not like constant moisture. So we water the yucca regularly throughout the summer quite abundantly. In spring, it is worth adding fertilizer to the water you water the yucca. This will prepare the plant for flowering and make it stronger after winter. When the plant starts to bloom, i.e. in the summer, we systematically add the fertilizer to the water, because the plant may be weakened by a large number of flowers during this period. What fertilizer to use for garden yucca? Specially prepared nutrients for yucca are sold. They come in the form of a gel, crystals and liquid. The main minerals they contain are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. After the flowers have faded, carefully remove all the withered parts of the plant. Garden yucca - varieties.
Juka has several variants. Garden yucca differ in the color of the leaves and the height of the clumps of leaves. They all produce uniform white inflorescences. The best known as garden yucca is the Carolingian yucca, otherwise known as the California yucca. It is frost-resistant, which is why it is often found in our climate. It is also suitable for growing as a garden yucca in a pot. Its leaves grow up to 70 cm, and the flowers reach up to 2 meters. This plant is drought-resistant.
The well-known varieties of California yucca is Variegata, a variety with blue-green leaves with white stripes. Another famous variety is Bright Edge. It is a dwarf variety characterized by green-yellow leaves growing up to 50 cm. You can also mention Color Guard, which is a low variety with a tendency to pink leaf edges, and Ivory Towers, a variety with leaves with a white border.When to plant yucca ?.
Juka is a flower that does not tolerate places that are constantly wet and have stagnant water. What soil for yucca? It prefers soil that is drained, sandy and well drained. An ideal position for a yucca will be a sunny place, preferably sheltered from the wind. Garden yucca is recommended to be planted in the spring. This is due to the fact that young specimens are not so resistant to freezing temperatures. Leaves can be cut off cuttings so that they can take root faster. With excessive watering, yucca may be affected by leaf spot, i.e. a fungal disease.When does garden yucca bloom ?.
Yucca is an evergreen perennial with long and stiff sword-shaped leaves. The yucca flowers are embedded in a long inflorescence. Beautiful bell-shaped flowers are characteristic of most varieties. Yucca blooms most often 2-3 years after planting. It blooms thanks to certain requirements that must be met. By providing the juce with a lot of sun, warmth and additional minerals, we will enjoy beautiful inflorescences in the months from June to August.
Juka is a disease resistant perennial. However, if we do not follow the rules she likes, it can lead to yucca diseases. An improperly selected position, bad wintering of the plant may lead to the formation of stains on the leaves and lack of flowering. Other diseases that we can observe during yucca growth are leaf fall and leaf breakage on previously formed spots. The only way to save the flowers is to spray them with fungicides.When to Replant Yucca ?.
When the yucca fades, the mother plant dies. In its place, substitute plants grow at the base. It is also important to cut off faded flowers carefully, as 3 to 4 new rosettes will develop from the subterranean side leaves the following year. These new flowers can be planted as new cuttings. Reproduction is not a difficult task, as it is enough to divide the flower into several cuttings. These seedlings are not ready to be planted in the ground.Fresh wounds on plants are very dangerous because they can start to rot or catch another disease. The places of division should be drained and then put into the ground. They take root quickly. Planting a garden yucca from new seedlings can be done in August or September. Although it is very easy to replant yucca, it does not need to be repeated. Yucca growing in one place for a long time can produce up to 9 inflorescence shoots.Garden yucca - wintering.
Despite the fact that yucca is an evergreen and frost-resistant plant, it is worth protecting it against low temperatures. The specimens, which are covered for winter, will bloom nicely in spring and delight the eye with a beautiful green color. Before winter, you can collect the entire rosette of leaves and tie loosely at the top with a string. We can also cover the yucca with straw, cardboard or a thick box. You can protect the roots with spruce branches. We discover Juka after the frost has subsided, usually at the turn of March and April.