Garden herbs and their medicinal uses

The author of the text is MSc. Beata Romanowska

Phytotherapy, orherbal medicine , has been a knowledge reserved only for the chosen few since ancient times. Egyptian priests, Sumerian sages,Greek philosophers, azteccy shamansiwitches ,medievalmonks and cursedwitches , laterpharmacists andherbalists- they knew how to handle herbs to be as effective as possible. Such a long history of phytotherapy proves how vast the science is.Currently, more or less20,000 plant speciesare used in phytotherapy in the world, among the known - an impressive numberapproximately 800 000 !

When to collect herbs?

The basis of theharvest of herbsis the exact knowledge of the species, the appropriate harvest time is of secondary importance. Withclean ecologically positionsyou can only collect species that we recognize and of coursenot pod protectionHowever, it is much safer to grow herbs in the garden. It is also worth putting labels with names in the ground during planting (it's best to write them with a pencil, because, contrary toappearances, it is the most durable ).

Regardless of whether the herbs are obtained from the plantation or from the natural state, the content of active compounds in the plant depends on the harvest time,durabilityandlength storage raw Plants used as a herb, i.e. the entire aerial part, are harvested just before (sage) or during flowering ( thyme ,basil , St. John's wort ), cutting the shoots 1/3 above the ground. The flowers themselves are harvested at the beginning of development ( meadowsweet marsh ) or in full bloom (linden,arnica ) but not decaying.

Collected on sunny days, in the afternoon, they have more sugars than in the morning, but e.g.roses in plantationsessential oil is collected as much as possible until 9 am, because the petals containthen most oilThe leaves are usually fully developed, before flowering plants ( nettle , marshmallow), but the leaves of e.g.birchare best harvested in spring, when they are young and still sticky with resin. Only 1/3 of the leaves from the whole plant are collected in order not to weaken it too much and so that it can continue to carry outphotosynthesis

Rootsandrhizomesdigs up on a clear day during the dormant period, in autumn ( marshmallow,oman ) and early spring ( angelica ), and even in winter when the ground is not frozen. The bark is harvested in spring, in the initial stage of vegetation, before the appearance of leaves fromcut young branchestrees and shrubs. The bark should not be harvested from the growing branches. Pick fleshy fruit on sunny days, immediately before ripening ( blueberry black ), ripe ( blackwithout ), dry fruit (coriander) - on cloudy days. Buds - in spring, when they swell and become sticky. Contrary to popular belief, no plants are harvested when the moon is full.Collection herbs, leaves ,flowersand fruit from Quarter 1 to Full Moon (when the Moon arrives) - up to 2-3 days before the full moon. We collect the underground parts from full moon to new moon (when the moon is waning), preferably betweenIII quarterandnew

Herbs popular in Poland

Large-leaved mullein

Verbascumthapsiforme grows on sunny hills, rocks and roadways. Its inflorescence shoots with amber flowers, growing in the second year of cultivation, are especially suitable forplanting in alpine gardensWhat is magic about mullein? It protects against colds and persistent cough, because it contains a lot of mucus. Increamsandmaskssoftens the skin and improves its appearance.

Common sunflower

Helianthus annuus is undoubtedly the flower of the Sun, because its inflorescence follows the sun's disc all day long.Sunflowercomes from America and is an annual plant. All its parts are useful and can be used inherbal medicine .

Chicory the traveler

Cichorium intybus has beautiful blue flowers appearing from July to September.For this reason alone, it deserves recognition, and it also hasproperties healingIt is used as a medicine in the insufficient secretion of gastric juice and bile. In folk beliefs, it was considered a plant that bringshappiness in love

Infusions, decoctions, extracts, syrups, tinctures

Infusions are mainly made of flowers (linden, cornflower, chamomile), as well as leaves ( plantain ,sage ) and fruit containing easily released essential oils. The herbs are poured with boiling water and steamed for 10-15 minutes, covered. Decoctions are made of rhizomes, bark, roots ( angelica ,dandelion ), fruit ( rosewrinkled ) and herb ( horsetail ,black leaves blueberries ), containing a lot of tannins and poorly soluble compounds in water. The herbs are poured with water at room temperature and boiled for 2 to 20 minutes.

Extracts, also called macerates, are prepared,pouring the mixture waterat room temperature and leaving it for approx.8-12 hours. This method is used to prepare herbs containing a lot of mucus, e.g.calamus ,mallow ,mistletoeSyrups are solutions sugar from water plant extracts or fruit juices. We squeeze the juices mainly from the fruit (sea buckthorn), but also from the herb ( plantain ,St. John's wort ).

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Dżem z owoc rokitnika (Photo:

We prepare the tinctures by pouring alcohol ( calamus ), wine ( lemon balm ) or oil ( St. John's wort)). In most of these methods of preparing herbs, the solvent is water, the quality of which is as important as the quality of the plants themselves. Ideally, it should be spring water with a beautiful,geometric structure crystals

The magic of herbs

Although herbs and their biologically active compounds are better and better known, a certain dualism in their perception remains. On the one hand, they are and have always beenplants everydayuse: as food, spices, medicine, but also as protection - frombacteriaandinsectsor mice for "unclean forces and evil powers". On the other hand, they were also inherent in religious and folk rituals in all cultures, inalllatitudeslatitudesand inallspheres life

Herbs popular in Poland part. II

Common thyme

Common thyme Thymus vulgaris comes from the Mediterranean region. It is especially valued as a medicinal plant in diseases of the upper respiratory tract and as aspiceIt is considered one of the oldest medicinal plants.Thyme is mainly used in cooking to significantly improveflavor dishes- great for sauces, dishes withvegetables ,cheese ,poultryandvenison


Comfrey Symphytum officinale was considered a miracle herb, mainly because it accelerated the healing of fractures and all body injuries, including burns (thanks to the content ofallantoinandprotein ). This was confirmed by the regional names of the plant:living bone ,growth ,vivid gnatStudies have shown that allantoin alone is less effective in treating e.g.burnsthanextract zcomfreyAnd how not to talk aboutmagic herbs ! Comfrey is commonly found inEuropeandAsiaIt cannot be used internally, and also externally under the watchful eye of a doctor.

Ash-leaf dyptam

Ash-leaf dyptam Dictamnus maleaves ,stemsandinflorescencescovered with glands containing flammable and very nice-smelling essential oil. In Poland, it can be found in natural places onWyżyna MałopolskaIt is a beautiful ornamental perennial, requiring calcareous soils. The variety 'Alba' mawhite flowers

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Kwiat dyptamu Dictamnus (Photo:

Common basil

Common Basil Ocimum basilicum comes from the SouthernAsiaLatin name is "royal fragrance". InIndia , where it has been used since time immemorial, it was considered a plant that was sacred and dedicated to the gods.Basil was brought to Poland in the 16th century.Oil basilincreases concentration and clarity of thinking, also improves mood, although the most popular use ofbasilis of course in the kitchen.

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