There are many ways to keep the soil under fruit trees and shrubs. Each of thecultivation methodshas both advantages and disadvantages, and the choice should depend on the area of the garden and the possible application.
In order fortreesandshrubsplanted on our plot to grow properly and yield abundantly, we should pay special attention to the substrate on which they grow. Fruit trees tend to root quite deeply, while shrubs have a smallerroot system,and their main mass is close to the soil surface.That is why we should provide shallow-rooting shrubs withoptimal soil conditions.First of all, we should not allowcompetition of treesor shrubs with weeds for water and nutrients.
In the home garden, the most recommended waysoil cultivationunder fruit plants isblackfallow,permanent turf and all kinds ofbedding.
Natural mulchesorganicare the best way to grow soil under trees. For this purpose, shredded barkconifersordeciduous trees ,sawdustandpeat are used .The litter, undergoing slow decomposition, enriches the soil with organic matter and thus maintains it in a good structure. When the litter layer is sufficientlythick, it is effective in preventing weeds from growingand reducing water evaporation.Virtually the only disadvantage of bedding is that it is sometimes inhabited bymice, volesand other rodents.
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Field mice are frequent guests in the garden (Image: |
Using inorganic mulch, foilorthicknon-woven fabric, is an interesting idea for growing soil around trees. The litter is distributed in a circular pattern around the trunks oftreesorshrubs.If we grow plants in rows, then we place the mulch on both sides of the row. Non-woven fabric has better properties because it is permeable towaterandair.In practice, fruit growers often use artificial mulch in growingsensitive plantsfor weed infestation, especially in the cultivation of strawberries.For many people, blackfoilandnon-woven fabricare unacceptable, however. Then, to preserve the natural appearance of the surroundings, you can cover the fleece with e.g.bark.
Any undesirable vegetation under the plantsorchard systematically destroy mechanicallyusing hand tools such as hoes and grace, or withspecial hoeWith this method of soil cultivation, we must remember to loosen only the top layer so as not to damage the roots of the cultivated plants.Soilin black fallow has more nutrients and moisture, and all the water and macro- andmicronutrientsare only available for cultivated plants. The undoubted advantage of black fallow land is the elimination of harmful rodents.
After several years of such cultivation, the soil structure may deteriorate as a result of excessivespraying.It is then worth usingmanure, compostorgreen fertilizers,which will replenish the humus losses.
This method of soil cultivation is especially recommended for older trees and large shrubs with a strongly developed root system.Shallow rootgrasses do not create thenexcessive competition.Nevertheless, it is worth providing more fertilizers in spring and early summerdose of fertilizersnitrogen. Grass under trees should be mowed regularly 6-10 times during the growing season. Thanks to the turf, the water soaks up faster during rainfall, and during the winterit additionally protectstree roots from frost.
We can also maintain fallow by using herbicides, i.e.herbicides.Roundup or its substitutes are most commonly used. Due to the fact that it is a non-selective agent, i.e. it destroys almost all plants, we should use it carefully so that it does not get intonon-woody parts of crops. To prevent damage, it is a good idea to have a shieldon the lance,which prevents the spray from drifting off.