Ways for expansive plants

Such a change has certainly been observed by every garden owner: after a few yearsslight ,delicate plantbecomestroublesome weedthat cannot be developed innone wayto stopAnd yet many such specimens can decorate a garden for many years. You only need to use them inproper way

Strongly growing ground cover plants such as ivy andSiberian thirst,make the care of much easierlarger groupsshrubsThey form a thick carpet of leaves, deafening even the most difficultbothersomeandtenacious weeds However, it should be remembered that it is difficult to withstand competition,shallow rootedshrubs, such as flower dogwood, should first firmly grow into the ground so that they can without withstand damage in close proximity to carpet plants. Even very delicate species, e.g.illusionwiosennaOmphalodes verna orcomfreySymphytum 'Hidcote Blue', create so dense turf that the roots of the shrubs cannot take fromsoil needed amount waterWhen planting shrubs, it is worth placing a shallow cover made offoil of the pond foil around the root ball of each

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Żywokost Symphytum (Photo: Fotolia.com)

Expansive self-seeders

Someperennials floweringare not tame as we would like. Orlikiand flames without problemsspread by themselvesThe daughter plants growing from seeds usually have flowers with the colors of the specieswildand inextreme casesthey can evendisplace formscultivating , because they are characterized by much greater vitality. To avoid theirexpansion , try to cut down allpollinated wilting flowers ,before will ripen seeds

However, in the case of other wild perennialsself-seedingis a desirable phenomenon. Short-lived plants such as digitalis,menstruationandmekonops Welshdiscounts for many years,at least individual specimenswill die after two years.

Perennials are much more troublesomeperennials stolons , such astojeśćpostedLysimachia nummularia.Their development should be systematically limited by the division and removal ofparts plantsGood results are also achieved by combining expansive species with plants that are more durable and not easy overcome, such asgeraniumsandalive

A barrier for plants creating troublesome root shoots

Rhus typhina vinegar sumac is one of the trees with the most beautiful autumn colors, but its roots can make life difficult for us.Cutting out regrowthhas the opposite effect, causing more and more regrowths to appear. Therefore, the vinegar tree should always be planted in an enclosure-dam forroots

It is a strip of strong plastic 2 mm thick and about 70 cm high,connected metal rail in the hoop, dug vertically into the ground. Such a dam will keep the roots of otherexpansive plantsin check, e.g.bamboo or sea buckthorn. the rim diameter must not be too small so that the plants do not suffer fromreason drought

Problem trees and shrubs

Trees and shrubs can also be troublesome. Somespecies make up runners , others spread so numerously (e.g. maple) that every spring in flowerbeds,lots of young plants , which should be weeded as carefully as weeds. Seedlingsgrowing up inside hedgeunnoticed ininitial monthsdevelop very strongly and are difficult to remove after two years. Therefore, each time you cut a hedge, you should searchsearchandpluck

Extraordinary vitality ischaracteristic feature bamboostolon species can within a few yearsmaster a large part of the garden In addition, their shallow rhizomes are very hard. So you should give upbamboos expansive,such as Fargesia, or plant them in special covers.

An example of expansive plants

-Miechunka bloatedPhysalis alkekengi has unusual fruits that are hard to confuse with others. In moist soil, thisshade-loving perennial growsvery much, forming dense clumps.

- Yellow bloomingWelsh meconopsMeconopsis cambrica spreads easily for the gardener. It appears in small numbers in new places, changinggradually appearance discounts .

-Plume fern ostusiMatteucia struthiopteris is known for its expansive tendencies. Under appropriate conditions (moist, humus soil) it can quicklycover largesurfaces .

-Small-flowered horse chestnutAesculus parviflora is a shrub that increases its width by 20-30 cm every year. As a mature plant, it produces numerousshort stolons root , forming extensive, dense clumps.

- Siberiandogwood whiteCornus alba 'Sibirica' is a brave conqueror of the area. Its outer side shoots easily become runners.Fast come rootas soon as they come into contact with the ground.

- Blooming pinkostrogowiecCentranthus and the short-lived Lunaria are self-disseminating. The yellowtojeśćLysimachia is spread by runners.

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