Plants east and west

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Without light, there is no life for plants. Only under the influence of sunlight can photosynthesis, i.e. the production of nutritious organic compounds, and the development of plants occur.Whether plants have enough light can be seen primarily in their appearance.

Deficiency of this life-giving energy is manifested by pulling out the shoots, too bright coloring of the leaves and lack of flowering.In turn, excess light - and thus alsoheat - causes burns of leaves, falling off of set buds, infestation by pests.

East and West side

1.Bush cordialCordyline terminalis. We grow plants in bright, but not sunny places. The temperature should be 18-20 ° C throughout the year.

2.SabotekPaphiopedilum likes light to semi-shaded places. Direct-
It tolerates average insolation only in the morning and evening, and only in winter. Winter temperature: above 18 ° C.

3.Nephrolepis ex altataNephrolepis ex altata feels best in light to semi-shaded places without direct sunlight . Winter temperature: min. 18 ° C.

4.NerteraNertera granadensis grows best in light to semi-shade places without direct sunlight. It likes 10-13 ° C before and after flowering.

5. Benjamin Ficus Ficus Benjamina likes bright positions. It loses leaves in dark places.Leaves turn silvery when it's too cold.Doesn't like drafts.

6.AnthuriumAnthurium offers warm and sunny places, but not sunny. It grows best in temperatures between 20 and 25 ° C (minimum 15 ° C in winter).

7. Phalaenopsis Phalaenopsis grows well in a moderately bright place without direct sunlight. In winter, we grow it at a temperature of approx. 20 ° C (at night not less than 15 ° C).

8.GuzmaniaGuzmania feels best in light to semi-shade locations that are not exposed to the sun.Guzmania likes warmth and high humidity.

9.Elk hornsPlatycerium bifurcatum like shady and semi-shaded positions in light rooms, they do not tolerate dark places. Withima they should be grown at a temperature of approx. 20 ° C.

In addition, the stands with eastern or western exposure may contain plants that do not tolerate full sunlight at noon: croton, canary ivy, epipremnum, clivia, hoja, difenbachia.

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