More about the plant below:
Rantonetti's nightshade (Solanum rantonnetii)
category : shrubs, potted
position : sun
height : 1-2 m
wintering : 4-10 ° C
frost resistance : to -3 ° C
reaction soil : neutral, slightly acidic
preferences soil : fertile, humus, permeable
watering : a lot
color leaves/needles : green, white-green
color of flowers : purple, blue, white
habit : bushy, tree-like
period flowering : June-October
seeding : early spring, spring (indoor)
reproduction:herbaceous and semi-woody cuttings, sowing
persistence leaves : seasonal
application : balconies, terraces
pace of growth : fast
Rantonetti's nightshade - silhouetteThe development of nightshadeRantonetti's nightshade - positionNursery careRantonetti's nightshade - winteringApplication of nightshadeAdviceRantonetti's nightshade is sometimes called a sapphire storm and it is hard to find a better name for this beautiful plant. Its flowers are tiny, purple-blue with a yellow center.This plant comes from Latin America, blooms from May to October.In addition to blue varieties, there are also varieties that bloom white.
In our conditions, the shrub usually grows up to 150 cm in height and more or less the same width.It is characterized by fast growth and an erect habit.
Nightshade feels best in full sun and sheltered from the wind. It also grows in partial shade - but then it blooms less and grows slower.
The nightshade is easy to care for, it tolerates pruning well. Summer cutting, which consists in shortening the shoots that are too long, allows the shrubs to be kept in the desired shape.The pruning should also be done before the shrubs are exposed to the winter quarters.
It must be done with sensitivity, because shortening the shoots too much delays flowering. In summer, especially on hot days, the nightshade needs to be watered abundantly.You should also regularly check that its shoots are not attacked by pests.Plants are especially bothered by spider mites and whitefly.
Nightshade wintered in a bright quarters with a temperature of 5-10 ° C, almost does not require care.In winter, water the plants only to such an extent that the substrate does not dry out.
Rantonetti's nightshade is eagerly grown in a bushy form, as well as in stem and half-stem form.
Nightshade can be propagated by sowing seeds directly into the ground or rooting herbaceous cuttings.