Garden recipe: separating plants from the lawn

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" The author of the following text is a reader of the magazine Przepis na Ogród - Sabina Duda from Jelcz-Laskowice. "

"Lining trees and shrubs with bark is a good idea if we want to separate these plants from the lawn" - Sabina Duda, Jelcz-Laskowice

I've always been nervous while mowing the grass around my trees and shrubs. So I decided to make my work easier and separate these plants from therest of the lawn . I considered the best solution to cover them with bark.

I roughly removed the grass around the bushes. It took a lot of effort, because she canshe hard root Then I bought a special agrotextile (it is also called a mulch mat), which thanks tocountless quantity holeslet it into the soil with water and prevents the plants from drying out. Under no circumstances should you useordinary foil garden , because then the plantswill surely would boil and dry out.

After unfolding the agrowłoknina the whole thinggrubo covered up bark . Of course, I am aware that this procedure does not guarantee thatgrassorweedsare removed permanently. Certainly, however, it will be easier for me to control them now.

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Popular rollbordery (zdj .:

If any of the readersof the "Recipe for the Garden"plans to cover garden plants in this way, he must carefully measuresizediscounts On this basis, he will be able to estimate the amount ofmats do mulchingIt is a bit more difficult to calculate the number of bark bags we need therefore it is best to buy litter in batches.

When buying bark, please pay attention to its type. For largerplantsI would advise decorative bark ( thick ,brown ), not ground. The latter is blown away very quickly by the wind and needs to be supplemented all the time.

To evenly separate our bark-covered plants fromgrowing next to grass , it's worth buying more the so-called rollborders, i.e. wooden pins connected to form spans. They are impregnated, so you don't need themnothing paint Rollborderssticks into the ground a few centimetersto stay wellandnot tiltedIt is best to make grooves with a shovel in advance, along the unfolded agrotextile. hammer the next spans into them.

Span o120 cm longand15 cm high costs approx. PLN 4-6 . It is not an exorbitant cost, and thanks to such fences, we have orderingarden . And the bark is notfruwa po all property .

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