Simple ways to care for geraniums


  1. How to grow geraniums?
  2. Growing geraniums in containers on the balcony
  3. Geranium stand
  4. Sun exposure
  5. Watering geraniums
  6. Fertilizing geraniums
  7. Cleansing geranium leaves
  8. Pelargonium wintering

How to grow geraniums?

Pelargonium is a modest plant.Its care takes little time and is easy to learn, even if you don't have a hand for flowers.This summer beauty blooms luxuriantly and is perfect for people who are just starting their adventure with gardening. Here are some tips from Pelargonium for Europe's experts on the care of geraniums to ensure that it blooms profusely on your balcony and garden from spring to fall.

Growing geraniums in containers on the balcony

Pelargonium in containers on the balcony can be grown in several species:

Scented geraniums

Striped geranium

Ivy-leaved geranium

Large-flowered geranium

All these species, despite their different characteristics, have very similar environmental and care requirements. One of the most sensitive to changes in temperature or wind is the large-flowered pelargonium. Prepared pelargonium seedlings should be placed in larger containers so that they can develop a he althy root system that takes up water and nutrients. Choose a drainage base where expanded clay or gravel can be found. In this way, access to minerals will be made available. One of the most important things is to water it regularly, not only in times of drought. Deep down to the roots to keep the ground moist most of the time.

Geranium stand

Geraniums will bloom exceptionally luxuriantly when we provide them with plenty of space.If their pot is too tight or the distance between the plants is too short, they cannot develop properly. It is recommended to use boxes and pots with a maximum height of 18 cm and a minimum distance of 20 cm between the plants.

Sun exposure

Pelargonium comes from the tropical regions of South Africa, namely the Cape of Good Hope. Thanks to the great sunlight and mild temperatures, an amazing variety of varieties has developed there. In our climate, the conditions for the growth of geraniums outdoors are only in the frost-free months, that is, from May to October.Geraniums feel good indoors, in warm, partially or fully sunny places.Sufficiently irrigated, withstand intense and prolonged heat.

Watering geraniums

Profusely flowering geraniums require proper watering. On dry and hot summer days, it is worth watering them twice a day.To determine if the plant needs to be hydrated, lightly press the ground with your finger. If the deeper layers of the earth are dry, it's time to water the plant. The amount of water poured in each time should constitute about 10% of the pot's capacity. This means that about half a liter of water should be poured into a 20 cm pot with a single flower.

Always provide a drainage system to avoid excess soil moisture. The dry potting soil does not absorb water very quickly, so water the flowers slowly and avoid heavy water jets.Although geraniums bloom most profusely when watered regularly, unlike many summer flowers, they do not suffer permanent damage during short periods of drought.

Sufficient fertilization

Pelargonium is a plant with a high demand for nutrients, therefore it requires intensive fertilization.It should be planted in pre-fertilized substrate to provide all the necessary nutrients right from the start.Alternatively, you can mix long-acting fertilizer with the soil or add plant nutrient when watering.Tip: The nutrients from the pre-fertilized potting medium are usually used up within a few weeks.

After this period, the plant must be regularly nourished, for example, using liquid fertilizer. If you are using a long-acting fertilizer, carefully read the instructions on the product label. In the case of geraniums, it is recommended to use a substance that provides a supply of nutrients for up to nine months.The nine-month period is important as it has been calculated for moderate temperatures around 20 ° C.

If the average temperature is higher, which is often the case with flowers in balcony pots, the fertilizer will run out faster.If the fertilizer release time is only 5-6 months, there is a risk that the nutrients will run out before the end of the season.

Cleansing and removing geranium leaves

Regular removal of wilted flowers, leaves and withered shoots keeps geraniums in good shape and promotes the formation of buds and, as a result, new flowers. To remove a withered flower, pinch the stem with your thumb and forefinger at the base and twist it.Removing dead flowers is more important in the care of semi-double and full-flowered varieties than for single-flowered varieties.If you don't have the time or feel like doing these things, you can choose "self-cleaning" varieties such as Ville or Decora.

Pelargonium wintering

How to winter geraniums?

One of the best solutions is to place them in a cool and bright room, where the temperature should be around 10 degrees Celsius. It is quite important to maintain this temperature due to the possibility of re-vegetation - above 10 degrees Celsius. The temperature should not be lower than 5 degrees Celsius - otherwise it will be exposed to freezing.

The next and important step is access to light. A garage, basement or room without access to sunlight will make the plant weak and exposed to fungal diseases. In the next season, there is a possibility that she will not be able to save her.

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