This project is to provide the family with undisturbed peace and relaxation. The garden has become a true island of relaxation filled with an aura that soothes all the senses, including the eyesight. The only colors here are white and green.The character of the arrangement is determined by the predominance of soft forms.An evergreen hedge of yew with a spiral shape and gently undulating height winds almost throughout the entire garden.
It divides the plot into three parts: a bed, a lawn and a graveled square with a deckchair.Loosely arranged stone slabs create a path leading along the hedge to the rest corner. In this part of the garden, the shade is provided by two spherical-crowned robins. They are also a harmonious element strengthening the vertical structure of the arrangement.
Round shapes can be found on a bush of white-flowering 'Annabelle' hydrangea.Her magnificent flower balls illuminate the part of the garden farthest from the house for several weeks.
The plot gains a delicate, soft appearance thanks to the arched blades of rozplenica grass growing in the front, sunny part of the garden, as well as dangling fern leaves and tawula shoots in the farthest part of the bed.In the spring, the garden is decorated with sumptuous hearts and a pillow flame.In summer delphiniums and roses bloom in the bed, in autumn tall asters, anemones and candlesticks delight.
Common yewTaxus baccata, formed evergreen hedge, cuttings 30-40 centimeters, 60 pcs.
Robinia acacia'Umbraculifera' Robinia pseudoacacia, a small tree with a spherical crown, 5-6 meters high, 2 pieces.
Male broomDryopteris filix-mas, fern with wide, feathery leaves, 80-100 centimeters high, 4 pcs.
Japanese Anemone'Honorine Jobert' Anemone japonica, white flowers August-October. height 90-110 centimeters, 3 pieces.
Periwinkle 'Alba' Vinca minor, always green ground cover perennial for shade, flowers in April and May, height 15 centimeters, 40 pcs.
Straight candle'White Pearl' Cimicifuga simplex, white panicles of inflorescences from September, height 120-150 centimeters, 1 piece.
Van Houtte's TawułaSpirea vanhouttei, shrub with tiny white flowers in May, 2-3 meters high, 2 pcs.
Hearts turned out'Alba' Dicentra spectabilis, shade-loving perennial, white flowers in May and June, height 50-70 centimeters, 3 pcs.
Tree hydrangea'Annabelle' Hydrangea arborescens, ornamental shrub, white balls of inflorescences from June to September, height up to 150 centimeters, 24 pcs.
American aster'Herbstschnee' 'Aster novae-anglie, a variety with snow-white flowers in August and September, height up to 130 centimeters, 1 piece.
Delphinium belladonna'Moerheimii' Delphinium belladonna, white flowers in June and July, 100-120 centimeters high, 3 pcs.
Rose small bush'Escimo', single white flowers from June to late fall, height up to 80 centimeters, 2 pcs.
Japanese Rozplenica 'Hameln' Pennisetum alopecuroides, grass with narrow blades and fluffy ears from August, height 40-60 centimeters, 3 pieces.
Flame Szydlasty'White Delight' Phlox subulata, pillow perennial, white flowers in May and June, height 10 centimeters, 10 pieces .