P:I was very interested in three exotic plants: Ceiba pentandra, Capsicum annum and Utricularia laterifolia. What is worth knowing about them? Can they be grown in our climate zone?
O:The five-threaded pufferCeiba pentandra belongs to the marsh family. It can only be grown in tropical climates. Due to its size and climatic requirements, it is not suitable for home growing as a houseplant.It is one of the tallest trees found on the African continent.It grows up to 60-70 meters.
It also grows in South and Central America, and its occurrence in tropical Asia is considered an introduction. The trunk with characteristic buttress roots can reach a diameter of 3 meters. The trunk of juvenile forms is densely covered with large spines.
This tree is full of flowers with a diameter of about 15 cm. They are white, yellow or pale pink in color. After pollination, egg-shaped fruits are formed, which are inside the seeds and are surrounded by yellowish fluff fibers, the so-called kapok, made of lignin and cellulose.It is for this fiberthe five-studis grown in Asia. Light, elastic and water-resistant life jacket is used in upholstery to fill mattresses and as a thermal lining.It used to be used for the production of life jackets. Oil is pressed from the seeds of this tree.
Annual peppers
Capsicum annum as a species includes a lot of fruit varieties - from large and sweet to the sharpest chili.The varieties are divided into groups, depending on the size and shape of the fruit.Ornamental peppers belong to the group of Conoides with vertical and conical fruits and Cerasiforme with spherical to ovoid fruits.
Decorative pepper is perfect in our conditions under cover, but also in the ground.It can be planted in pots as one of the elements of colorful compositions.Requires a warm and sheltered place.
The floater Utricularia laterifolia is an insectivorous amphibian perennial. It is an endemic species found in Australia. Its characteristic feature is the lack of roots. Instead, the plants have highly branched shoots and the so-called stolons.Vesicular formations are visible between the shoots and leaves, which are used to capture small invertebrates. The swimmer can be found in peat bogs along with sphagnum moss. It is best to look for details on cultivation among aquarists.