PiO: rare South American plants

Beautiful and unique Peruvian Sterlitz

P:Seven years ago a friend who was in Peru gave me a few strelitzia seeds. I sowed them and two plants grew, and I tended them with the hope that they might bloom. Unfortunately, nowhere have I found any tips on how to care for and what to do to make the Strelitzia bloom. The plants are already large, this year their leaves began to dry out, even those that have grown recently. What to do to save my streams?

O:Strelitziagrows well all year round at a temperature of 18-22 ° C in a bright room atsouth -Western exhibition ,close windows . The plant blooms mostly in February - March.

The reason for not blooming is oftendeficiency light , as well as not going through theperiod rest , which falls betweenMayandAugustWatering should be limited during this time and fertilization should be stopped.Strelitziacreates long, thick roots that can be rooted, so it needs spacious, deep containers withlarge holes drainsExcess water that appears in the base after watering must be poured out.

The substrate should be medium heavy with a high contenthumusandslightlyacidicor indifferent reactionAfter replanting for 2-3 weeks, the strelice is regularly watered and sprinkled, and fertilization for flowering plants should be started after 2 months -in springandsummerweekly;in autumnand every 2-3 weeks in winter.Drying of the tips of the leaves can be caused by too dryair in the room container znext to the plant with waterand additionally every few daysspray her leaves

Araucaria - a tree resembling succulents

P:In autumn I managed to buy a specimen of a tree called araucaria. Due to the late hour and the lack of full information as to the conditions under which araucaria can grow, I decided to keep it in a cool garage until spring. I will be very grateful for the information whether, living near Gniezno, I can land the araucaria and how to proceed with it.

O:Araucariaaraucana, or Chilean araucaria (needle), iszimogreen ,resin , stately, quite resistant tofrost treeIn our climatic conditions, however, it cannot survive everywhere.She must be provided with a position sheltered fromNorth-WestYoung specimens must be covered with non-woven agrotextile in winter to protect them not only fromwindsandfrost , but also before theearly spring sun

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Araucaria araucana (Photo: Fotolia.com)

As our climate iscapricious , you have to reckon with the fact that someday a cold winter may come
, with significantdifferencestemperature betweennight and day. This exotic tree may not survive such conditions. Onwest coastand all over western Poland it has a much better chance. In thisclimate zonethere are conditions in which some exotic plants can grow without any problems.Incentral Polandsuch specimens should be planted in quiet and humid places.

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