PiO: planting onion sets, caring for the mug and the maple

Planting crocuses and hyacinths

P:When to plant hyacinths and crocuses in pots so that they bloom together in mid-April? At what temperatures should pots with bulbs of these plants be stored?

O:Processrooting out onionslasts approximately three months. From this point on (after about 3-4 weeks) the plants should bloom. If you want the crocuses and hyacinths to bloom in April, they should be planted inDecemberThe onions must be placed in the ground so that they do not touch each other and do nottouchwalls flowerpots

The tops bulbsshould be level with the rim of the pot.Root formation occurs in the dark, thereforecontainersshould be placed in a placedarkand fairlycool(5- 10 ° C). Plants need to be watered regularly, but not excessively. After three months, theonionssprout and are ready to be cooked. Then they are transferred to a room withtwilightand the temperature below 15 ° C. A week later, they can be displayed inlight daylight(in a warmer place). Plants should bloomafter 2-3 weeks

Mug care in autumn and winter

Q:I got a beer glass about a year ago. She had been outside all summer, and I brought her home in the early fall, but she began to waste away. Its leaves began to wither. I was helpless, so I put the mug in the basement. I don't know what will happen to it in spring, will it release new leaves?

O:Lemon mug in nature isshruborsmall tree , growing up to 8 m in height, rarely reaches 2 m in an apartment.It grows best inplaces sunny places(it has to be shaded in summer). During the growing season, it requires 20-25ºC andsprinklingandabundantwatering with soft water so that the substrate isconstantly moistEvery 3-4 weeks, from March to mid-August, feed it withcompound-free fertilizers calcium

In winter, he should stay incold roomat 5-8ºC. We water it very sparingly. It may thenlose leavesThese conditions will ensure re-growth and flowering. In March it should be moved to a warmer,light roomand resumewateringandfertilizationDuring this time the shoots should be trimmed, the plant can also be led in the form of a tree. Every 3-4 years you shouldkufliktransplant into a light and permeable substrate, withreaction acidic(pH 4-4.5).From mid-May, he can be taken outside.

Sick Japanese Maple

P:I have had Japanese tortoiseshell for four years. The tree is large, branchy (130 cm high). Two years ago in the fall, the lower branches began to turn yellow-green and then brown. Last fall 2/3 of the tree turned brown. There is only a little green on the top left. Will the whole tree wither this autumn? How can I heal her?

O:NeedlesMaples Japanesethey often turn brown in autumn, besides, it is a tree, which should grow outdoors - in the garden or on the terrace, planted in a container. Requires fertile, moistsoilsandwarm ,semi-shaded , moistairPositionsIn the apartment there is definitely too dry air and not enough light. In our climate, this tree grows up to 20 m in height.

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