PiO: Popular bushes diseases and night-blooming cacti

How to care for … palm maple and wigwood

P:I don't know what's going on with my shrubs. In May, I planted a red palm maple and a wigwood tree in a sunny place, both in the soil acidified with peat. Both shrubs gradually discolor until they become uniform green. In addition, in June, a small, single-shoot wisteria dropped its leaves. Then the lumps appeared, did she want to sprout new shoots?

O:The red-leaved varieties of the palm maple are generally sown. They are very heterogeneous and unfortunately they are offered under the name of only one of the red-leaved varieties ’ Atropurpureum ’.In spring, the color is more saturated, but loses strength during the growing season.

Perukowiec Podolski has two red-leaved varieties (' Rubrifolius ' and ' Royal Purple ' ) and one with red inflorescences and green leaves - it is ' Purpureus ' and it is definitely this variety in this case. Young leaves are reddish in color - you can easily recognize these shrubs by this. This color disappears during the growing season. Besides, the wigmig should grow in limestone soil. It is a thermophilic plant, requiring a warm position, sheltered from the wind, reacted by shedding its leaves. These swellings are new leaf buds.

Other … exceptional cacti blooming in one night

P:After four years of nursing the queen in one night, I witnessed an eight-hour night flower bloom. This process began around 8pm. Two hours after the bud opened, a seven-hour flower popped out of it.Can you introduce readers to the varieties of cacti that bloom for one night? How to tell them apart?

O:At the outset, it should be mentioned that there are several varieties of cacti that bloom one night. Although they are beautiful, they are not representatives of the Queen of the Night -Selenicereusemvariety, which is often confused with Epiphyllum oxypetalum.

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Blooming kaktus (Photo: Fotolia.com)

The flowers of both species are very similar to each other. They only differ in size: in the epiphylum they reach about 20 cm in diameter, and in the selenicereus, the diameter is even up to 30 cm. Both develop at night and smell nice. These plants are best distinguished by their structurestem : selenicereus has round stems as thick as an adult's finger, with a few deep ribs and long thorns on their edges, while the epiphylum has strongly flattened shoots, which in older specimens have the pits become round and become woody.Epiphylum has low cultivation requirements. It blooms profusely. Selenicereus grows very quickly (approx. 1 m per year) and needs a large pot with good drainage, permeablesoiland frequent fertilization. The shape of the plant resembles a swarm of green, coarse snakes. It rarely blooms in the apartment, producing single flowers.

It is worth knowing that among night-flowering cacti, the cactus king of one night produces the largest flowers -King of the Night- Selenicereus macolonaldie (diameter up to 35 cm). There is also the Princess of the NightPrincess of the Night- Selenicereus pteranthus - and the Prince of the Night -Prince of the Night- Selenicereus hamatus.

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