PiO: autumn pruning of budlei and California fir

Pruning budlei in fall or spring

P:I have a few years old bud in my garden. At first it bloomed profusely with large inflorescences. Now it has tiny flowers, and the bush itself is very large, but sparse. I've never trimmed it. I've heard that pudding should be cut every year. Is it true?

O:David's uncut bud with timeblooms getting weakerThe planted seedling should be cut in half over two opposite eyes inNovemberorMarch . Weak shoots are completely removedShort shoots will develop just below the cut and the eyelets below it, which will bloom inJulyand bloom untilSeptemberBlowing inflorescencescan be systematically erased

Buddleja Davidii (Photo: Fotolia.com)

In the following year, in March, shorten last year's shoots 5-6 cm from their base - abovetwo opposite eyes,and shoots lower, from the base of the bush, at the same height. Shoots directed inside the bush must be removed completely. After 4 years, in case thecrown is too dense,start removing the oldest branches by cutting them at the base.

Californian fir care

P:How to deal with a 15-year-old California fir, whose side branches will catch on the wires of the power transmission line that runs above my plot already at this year's growth. When I was buying the tree, the seller misled me by informing me that the conifer in our climatic conditions reaches a maximum height of 6 meters. This decided where I planted him.

In this situation, how can I prevent this magnificent fir from being cut down? Can you try to shape it by pruning branches? Should the owner of the transmission line insulate the wires for free in the stretch of the potential tree growth?

O:California Fir can grow up to 25 meters in height with usIf you need to trim the shoots, do thissymmetrically around plantsso that it does not lose its beautiful shape.Stems should be cut inplace last incrementFirst, shorten the side branches, starting from the bottom and followingsystematically to topOnly at the end we cut the top. Two people must take part in this treatment. One cuts and the other, looking from a distance,marks the place the next cutThis procedure should be performed during the duration of the tree dormancy, i.e. between November and April.

You can also replant a tree, but it isdifficultandroadoperation , requiring heavy hardware. The owner of the transmission line has no obligationto insulate to insulate wires .

Jodła Kalifornijska (Photo: Fotolia.com)

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