According to manynutritionistswe should eat mostly fruit from the climate zone in which we live. The fruits that are grown in almost every garden are beginning to ripen right now. The first summerapples ,plumsandpearsAlthough almost all kinds of fruit are available in stores by all year round, but we look forward to the ones we can pick up ourselvesstraight from the tree
Most of the fruit offered for sale is harvested before reachingripeness consumption In order for the fruit to survive often a long way from the producer to the recipient, we usually collectunripeUndoubtedly, the fruit from the shop display will not be as good as the fruit thatripenedin natural conditions. Don't worry that sometimes they arerusset- they are sweeter. And that sometimes they are smaller? This is just a sign that they are not over-fertilized and do not containharmful substances
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Jabłoń, apart from producing tasty fruit, also impresses with its appearance during flowering (Photo: |
The choice ofspeciesandvarietiesis an important decision, because trees are long-lived plants that can live up to several dozen years or even more.The choice of summer varieties is unfortunately not too greatgreatHere are some of the most valuable varietiesapples ,pearsandplumsrecommended especially for home gardens. These are amateur varieties, undemanding, easy to grow, and above all, not very sensitive tomost dangerousdiseasesYou can buy them in any well-stocked nursery of fruit trees.
Most varieties of apple, pear,cherries,cherries andplumsneed pollination with pollen of a different variety to set the fruit. Therefore, it is worth planting at least 2-3 varieties of each species.
Jabłoń Malus- in our country, apples are the most frequently eaten fruit. We harvest summer varieties already inJulyandAugust . They are intended primarily for direct consumption, as they are not suitable for longer storage.
Yellow Olive , known primarily aspulpwood , is the most famous summer variety, the greenish-yellow fruit of which ripens atend July The tree is resistant to frost and not very susceptible to diseases. It is susceptible only to cancerof trees fruit , therefore it is necessary to protect the wounds after cutting.
Celeste (Delcorf)- the usefulness of the variety in amateur cultivation is very high due to its taste and low susceptibility toscab ,powdery mildewicancer appleThe tree starts bearing fruit early and bears abundant fruit. The fruits are medium with a characteristic elongated shape.yellow-greenthe skin is covered with a striped blush.Flesh creamycrispy, juicy, tasty. We can start the first harvest already at the beginning of August. Other recommended varieties arePiros ,Discovery ,Primula
There are several thousand varieties of pear in the world, but due to the high environmental requirementsclimaticandsoilthe number of cultivated varieties is small.For a home garden, pear trees grafted onquinceare particularly recommended. Thanks to this, the trees are much smaller and start bearing fruit early. You just have to remember that not allpearvarieties grow well on quince.
Lipcówka coloredis resistant todiseases , but in severe winters it may freeze a bit. Fruits are small to medium size withblush , they overripe quickly. Despite this, it is eagerly cultivated, as it is one of the earliest varieties. Since it grows poorly withquince , it should be grafted ontopearCaucasian
The favorite (spank)is a vigorously growing tree.Fruits annuallyand abundantly from the first years. The fruits are large or medium-sized with a thick light-citrine skin covered with redblushCreamy-white flesh, juicy, tasty. Harvesting begins in mid-August, the fruit can be kept for 2 weeks.Tree quite resistant tofrost , sensitive toscab , requiring the presence of another variety for pollination.
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Gruszki (zdj .: |
Radanais a valuable summer pear variety bred inCzech Republic , available in larger nurseries in our country. It is characterized by low susceptibility to scab and frost resistance. It starts fruiting early. The fruits aremedium size ,yellow-greenblush, obrittle , sweet and aromaticflesh , ripening in the first decadeAugust
On the other side - wonderful, juicy plums and nuts - walnuts and hazelnuts!