Developmentof plants of flowering plants , with so many species pleasing us with their sight and smell, is the result of a specific cooperation with insects, developed along the way evolution.Miscellaneous plants , e.g. pollinated by the wind carrying pollen, have perfected their strategy in other directions. Among those that have specialized to benefit from animal favor, the vast majority arepollinatorsIt is precisely insects with high activity and mobility that are well suited to thepollinator of flowers , creating a natural garden of your dreams.
Both flowers andinsectshave developed many adaptive traits so that both sides could gain as much as possible from this collaborationbenefitsW such a situation, when a given insect species visits a specific species of flower, not only by chance, we can talk about a realsymbiosisbetween these organisms. A favorable phenomenon for plants is not self-pollination, but pollination with pollen from another plant of this species.
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Trzmieles are an important part of the pollen spraying process (Image: |
Therefore, among many, he adapted, in addition to those intended to attract numerous insects to flowers, there are also those that are to reduceself-pollinationSo we can observe such phenomena as: dioecious plants , i.e. producing male and female flowers separately, or bisexual flowers, the maturation of the female parts of the flower ( pistil ) and the male parts ( stamens ) is delayed. A wonderful symbiosis.
Knowing the purpose of a plant that aims to benefit from pollination with foreign pollen brought in by an insect, you can ask yourself what will get itinsectThe payment for the effort is for the pollen carrier it ispollenand the plant'snectarTo attract a potential helper from a distance, the flower must be attractive and alluring. so it concerns its appearance, mainly colors.
Although the perception of color by insects differs from that by humans, the color offloweris essential and should clearly stand out from the green parts of plants. Only at a closer distance do they act on insectsstimuliaromatic , which may be attractive to them, even when they are almost stinking to us, e.g.the stench of rotten meat.
When these factors work, the insect sits onflowerand only then can count on real benefits in the form of nectar and nutritiouspollenBut it must show the features that will allow him to obtain this food, so it is important that the correct insect goes to the flower, for which it will not be a problem.
Flower pollen - useful only for those insects with biting mouth organs - finds many amateurs because it containsproteins ,carbohydrates ,fatsandvitaminsFlower nectar, which is an aqueous solution ofsugars , is a tasty and nutritious meal for an insect. However,honey potsin which it is produced can be hidden deep in flowers and are then accessible to insects with long mouthssuckersInsect life which is able to eat products made by flowers seems simple and pleasant, but often requires a lot of effort from him.The insect moves from flower to flower, and with itpollen , which is most often dusted.
Not insignificant in the coexistence offlowersand insects has a circadian rhythm to which they are subject. Insects have a nocturnal or daytime lifestyle, while flowers, depending on the species, open only at a certain timedayornightIt differs depending on the time of day also the amount of nectar produced. Thus, insects that are looking for food in flowers can only eat food during certain hours.
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Many people are afraid of dragonflies, even though they are harmless to humans (Image: |
Insects visiting flowers can be found among the representatives of most orders of these animals, but the most important species arebeetlesColeoptera,fliesDiptera,butterfliesLepidoptera iwashersHymenoptera.They show varying degrees of specialization which enables them to reap the benefits of flower products.
The most important group of insects pollinating flowers in our climate are the social wasps. The most complicated adaptations occur with them, as exemplified by the honey bee andbumblebeesThey visit flowers not only to feed, but collect pollen and nectar to feedlarvaeIn the structure of the body of these insects, there are adaptations that facilitate the collection of flower food.
The effectiveness of social wasps as pollinators is enormous. The aspect of theireconomicsignificance is incomparably greater than the benefits that people gain in the form of honey or wax. The existence of manyspecies plantslargely depends oninsects , and for humans their activities translate into high crops obtained thanks to pollination of a huge number of flowers of fruit plants and agricultural crops.Nowadays, the threat to pollinators is the widespread use ofinsecticidesAlthough when using these measures there are strictly defined prevention periods forbees , poisoning and death of even entire swarms occur very often.