The winner of the Plant Novelties Competition of the international exhibition "Green is Life" from a few years ago was the Chinese miscanthus "Memory".This plant delighted the jurors with its beautiful and abundant flowering, he althy and decorative foliage, and he alth.This variety, bred in Germany by Max Riedelsheimer, was submitted to the competition by the Daglezja Artur Maj nursery from Ryki. The name of the variety commemorates Ernst Pagels, a fan and grower of numerous miscanthus varieties.
Chinese miscanthus 'Memory' is one of the taller varieties of this species, creating impressive, dense clumps up to 2.5 m.They are narrower at the bottom, wide at the top, crowned with large silvery-silky clumps in autumn inflorescences. The plants resemble fountains during flowering.
Welcome to the magical world of grasses
A characteristic feature of this grass are quite wide and long green leaves tapering towards the tops. A distinct silver central nerve runs through the center of each leaf blade. The blades are filled with a spongy core inside.In the second half of summer, soaring, paniculate inflorescences emerge from the fountain of leaves.They are stately, silver-pearly, fluffy after fading, and silvery in shade. They shine beautifully and shimmer in the rays of the sun.
In late summer and autumn the clumps change color to warm shades of orange.Then the color turns red, then straw-colored, and the leaves slowly dry.Left for the winter, they decorate the garden almost until spring. They move beautifully with light gusts of wind. At the same time, they are resistant to lodging.High clumps look good solo and in compositions with other species of grasses, perennials and shrubs.
Low requirements, easy maintenance and low maintenance costs make miscanthus more and more often used both in home gardens and in public green spaces. They can be used in English gardens on perennial beds, planted near water reservoirs and surrounded by modern architecture.
Chinese miscanthus prefers fertile, moderately moist, slightly acidic or neutral soil.Maintaining constant soil moisture promotes lush growth and the formation of large clumps. On the other hand, the warm and sunny position stimulates the plants to bloom profusely.Chinese miscanthus is frost-resistant (zone 5b), but in the first year of cultivation it is worth protecting it for the winter. The easiest way is to sprinkle the clumps at its base with bark, sawdust, dry leaves or straw.
In spring, the mounds need to be removed, and last year's dried up shoots should be cut low to the ground. A universal multi-component fertilizer can be spread around the plant.Chinese miscanthus shows significant tolerance to soil and air pollution and high salinity of the substrate.It is he althy, durable and retains a nice habit for many years, and is not expansive.