Effective arrangement techniques, which are based on illusions, can lead even the most perceptive eye into the field.There is no magic to it - it is enough to learn the fundamental principles of optics and be able to apply them.
Conscious and skilful eye guidance towards selected places allows to discreetly confuse the observer's eye and divert his attention from the real size of the plot.This trick has already been used, among others in formal baroque gardens, which were crossed by numerous main and secondary viewing axes.Elements of such an illusionistic arrangement can be successfully used in smaller gardens.
Of key importance here is the course of formed hedges that surround the flower beds, as well as the arrangement of gates, pergolas and alleys - all these elements should by definition guide smoothly from one place to another. The successive stations can be water establishments, a potted solitaire, or a statue.
In this way, we will introduce an element of multidimensionality to the arrangement, creating a permanent foundation for further assumptions of flowering plants. Let us add that permanent does not mean inviolable here. On the contrary - depending on the needs, we can modify the assumption every season.
Parceling the garden into smaller spaces has the advantage that even the most insightful observer is not able to see every nook and cranny of the garden (and judge its size on this basis).Elements dividers may be elements of small garden architecture or plant arrangements.
Thanks to this, numerous niches are created in the garden, which will be ideal places for relaxation. An interesting technique of optically enlarging the garden is also the creation of cascades and terraces. Thanks to such a multifaceted layout, the garden gains a new dimension.
The plants grouped on the floors can develop freely and do not obscure the plantings in the background.The garden acquires a kind of third dimension (we wrote about the three-dimensional nature of the garden in the December issue), it becomes larger - not only visually, but also physically.This effect is even stronger if the property is closed with a tall hedge planting.
Two ideas for a small garden with a hedge
The selection as well as the distribution of plants is also important.In the foreground (in relation to the most frequented places), species with as large leaves as possible should be grown, and in the background, i.e. closer the boundaries of the property, species with small, even filigree leaves. It is also known that discounts with a limited number of colors appear larger than the color ones.
It is a good idea to use the values of the surroundings, e.g. the topography or an old tree stand.In this way, the sight will be drawn beyond the boundary of the property.Then at the edge of the plot it pays to mark passages, windows and windows.
Paths and alleys are indispensable elements of any garden arrangement. They are necessary not only for functional reasons, but also for arrangement, because they enable the optical shaping of space.Straight paths are easier to arrange than winding ones, but it is the latter that give greater opportunities for modeling the space. Winding paths are more intriguing and even encourage a cognitive walk around the property of the hosts.