Poland is a world leader in the production of raspberries. According to some, we also have the best breeding farm in the world.The first variety of fruiting raspberries on annual shoots was obtained in our country.Currently we have varieties that yield from July to frost and bear fruit of various colors - from yellow, through red, to black.
Raspberry varieties are divided into two groups: summer, fruiting on two-year-old shoots, and autumn, fruiting on one-year-old shoots. Two-year raspberries in the first year only form shoots and form flower buds in them, and they bear fruit only in the second year, depending on the variety, in June-July. Autumn raspberries close the entire development cycle in one season: they form shoots in one year, bloom and bear fruit (usually from the beginning of August).The cycle repeats itself in the next season.
The shoots of summer raspberries should be cut after fruiting, i.e. around the beginning of August, to ensure access to light and airing for new shoots that are already growing.Moreover, by removing old shoots, we limit the infestation with diseases and pests for the next year.
Autumn raspberries bear fruit practically until frost, so their shoots are removed in late autumn or early spring of the following year.Cut the shoots low above the ground, leaving stumps of 2-3 cm.Unless we decide on the so-called modified pruning which makes the late varieties bear fruit a month earlier. Then we only cut out half of the shoots. The remaining part is shortened to a height of about 40-cm.
Using this technique, we make the first fruits appear on partially trimmed shrubs in July, i.e. in the summer raspberries season. After the fruit is released, they dry up and can only be cut out.The newly growing shoots will bear fruit from August until frost, means according to their normal development cycle.
By planting different varieties in the garden, we can harvest fruit from early summer to late autumn. We will ensure the continuity of fruiting by planting: 'Laszka' (fruiting at the end of June, beginning of July), 'Benefis' (two weeks later after 'Laszka'), 'Litacz' (black raspberry fruiting in July), 'Polesie' (the beginning of fruiting coincides with the end of fruiting 'Benefis'), 'Polka', 'Polana', 'Pokusa', 'Poranna Rosa' (with yellow fruit, starting fruiting at the end of August or at the beginning of September).
Plants with a bare root system are planted in fall or spring and potted throughout the growing season.Before the onset of cold weather, it is good to protect the plants with a layer of sawdust or bark. The recommended form of leading raspberries is a line. It is important that it is a sunny place. As raspberries take shallow roots, you shouldn't plant them too deep.
It is enough to dig a shallow groove, arrange the seedlings in it and cover it with a layer of soil several centimeters.If we have access to a well-decomposed compost, dig the place where the raspberries will grow with the organic substance.The distance between the plants should be about 40-50 cm.
New blackberry variety called 'Navaho' has unusual growth. Because while most varieties have stems lying on the ground, it is 'Navaho' that grows vertically upwards. Usually requires support, but is much easier to steer.The bushes usually start fruiting at the beginning of August and end in October.The fruits are large, sweet and juicy.
Blackberries bear fruit on the shoots that grew in the previous year.Later the shoot dies and must be removed. This can be done in the fall, but it is safer to do this in the spring.Cut the shoots with a secateurs quite low - practically a few centimeters above the ground - and leave a few strong annuals that grew in the previous year.It is here that the first tasty and valuable fruits will appear in the summer.
Other recommended varieties of thornless blackberry for garden cultivation include 'Gazda' and 'Orkan'.The first has medium or small, very tasty, black fruit.The second has large, black, shiny fruit.
1. 'Polana' is very resistant to raspberries and raspberry flowers. Shrubs grow vigorously and bear fruit abundantly - usually from mid-August until frost.
2. 'Litacz' has fruits that are unusual for a raspberry: firstly black and secondly spherical. The variety grows very strongly and has a wide habit.
3. 'Aroma Queen' is an autumn variety that bears fruit from August to October. The fruit is suitable for direct consumption, as well as for preserves. A fertile variety, does not require supports.
4. 'Pokusa' bears fruit of above-average size, which is why it is sometimes called the queen of raspberries.Unfortunately, it comes at the expense of the taste, which in the case of this variety can disappoint.Therefore, 'Pokusa' is a variety used primarily in desserts and frozen foods.
5. 'Morning Rosa' produces aromatic and sweet fruits, they taste great, of course, fresh, but we can also use them for preserves. Suitable for growing in any garden. It belongs to the group of repeated fruiting.