Origanum vulgare - application, care

More about the plant below:

European Lebanese (Origanum vulgare)

category:herbs, perennials

position : sun

height : up to 0.7 m

frost resistance : to -25 ° C

reaction soil : neutral, slightly alkaline

preferences soil : fertile, sandy loam, rich in calcium

watering : medium

color leaves/needles : green

color of flowers : pink, lilac

shape : bushy, bushy

period flowering : June-September

seeding : spring

reproduction:sowing, division, shoot and root cuttings

persistence leaves : partially evergreen

application : balconies, edible and honey plant, terraces, herb bed

pace height : medium

Lebiodka - silhouetteThe form of growth of the maroonLebiodka - positionCultivation of marigoldsLebiodka - applicationAdvice

Lebiodka - silhouette

The name of the lebiodka begins to lose against the more and more common Latin name oregano. However, it is worth taking care of.As well as cultivating this wonderfully fragrant herb is worth cultivating.

Growth form of a tree

Every spring, the perennial herb kills the horizontally growing, strongly branched root.The four-sided stems grow to a height of 40-60 cm and produce oval leaves. White or pink flowers open from July to September.

Lebiodka - position

Lebiodka is best grown in a sunny and warm position in a dry, well-drained ground.

Cultivation of marigolds

From April, the seeds can be sown both into litter boxes and directly into the ground. After 4-6 weeks, the seedlings are interrupted at a distance of 25x25 cm.For the current use for seasoning purposes, 2 plants are enough.The Lebodon can be easily multiplied from the root suckers.

The use of frost-proof lining is only necessary in colder regions of the country.In spring, before the plants start to knock out, cut out the old shoots shortly above the ground.

Lebiodka - application

Cut the leaves and young shoots during flowering, when they are most fragrant. Lebiodka is perfect for drying (we dry the herb in a ventilated place).It is indispensable, especially in Italian cuisine, and is an indispensable flavor addition to pizza, salads, meats.Lebodon tea helps with digestion, sore throat and coughs.


The extract of 100 g of dried herb poured over 1 liter of water acts as an anti-influenza agent when added to the bath. Lebiodka is also perfect for spraying against aphids in nettle or horsetail manure.

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