A few words about bark cancer

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Unprotected wounds from cuts and damage by frost, as well as wounds resulting from feeding pests, can become a site of bacterial and fungal infection. One of the most common diseases in neglected orchards and gardens is Nectria galligena bark cancer. The symptom of this disease is cancerous growths on the trunks of fruit trees. On the affected branches, wounds penetrating into the wood are visible, as well as the death of adjacent tissues with visible zoning. The plant seeks to close the wound by creating a layer of bark and wood, but the disease progresses and eventually the wound does not close. Then the untreated tree dies. The spores of the fungus hibernate in wounds. Infection occurs through wounds, cracks in the bark, abrasions from tying hammocks or ropes, unprotected cuts, etc.The prevention of diseases occurring on the trunks and shoots of fruit trees consists in removing and destroying infected trees. Wounds should be smeared with garden ointment, artificial bark or ointment with the addition of Funaben fungicide. You should also remember to disinfect saws, secateurs and other tools that we use for tree care.

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