Kale - it tastes best in winter!

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Kalebelongs to cruciferous vegetables. Currently, it is a slightly forgotten plant and rarely cultivated by gardeners, which is a pity. It contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and proteins. I have tried kale cultivation and have no regrets. Once sown, the seeds grew without any problems. In addition, I found out that it is a frost-resistant vegetable and grows perfectly even in poorer soil. After a year, it creates outgrowths in the form of small rosettes. I plant them later and thanks to this I have more and more crops. I make salads, salads and soups from the kale. However, I like it best when served with eggs and sausage.

Stefania Rzadkowska

Growing kale

Kale leaves also taste great when frozen. Then they become softer and lose their characteristic bitterness. That is why it is worth picking this vegetable after the first frost. The kale can also be left in the ground for winter. In spring, it will produce young shoots that will become one of the first spring vegetables.

This vegetable does not have excessive requirements as to the substrate. However, it does not tolerate heavy soils. Compared to other cruciferous plants, it has a well-developed root system, which makes it drought-resistant. It can be planted as an aftercrop after early potatoes, peas, onions and spinach.

Nourish the land for cultivation with mineral fertilizers. Recommended varieties are'Winterbor F1', 'Redbor F1' and 'Arsis F1'.

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