Hydrangea Hydrangea - requirements, planting, care

More about the plant below:

Hydrangea (Hydrangea)

category : shrubs, vines

position : partial shade, shade

height : 0.5 -2.5 m

frost resistance : up to -20 ° C

reaction soil : slightly acidic

preferences soil : fertile, humus, permeable

watering : a lot

color leaves/needles : green

color of flowers : blue, white, pink, red, purple, green, yellow

shape : bushy, climbing

period flowering : June-August

seed : -

reproduction:apical or woody cuttings, runners, layering

persistence leaves : seasonal

application : discounts, parks, balconies, cut flowers, terraces

pace height : medium

Hydrangea - silhouetteHydrangea - developmental featuresStand for hydrangeasReproduction of hydrangeasHydrangea - careHydrangea - applicationAdvice

Hydrangea - silhouette

Large hydrangea inflorescences can be spherical, umbellate, or paniculate.They consist of tiny flowers and large, recognizable flowers.In Poland, the most popular garden hydrangea.

Hydrangea - developmental features

Hydrangea grows to different heights depending on the species. The climbing hydrangea can climb to a height of several meters.

Hydrangea stand

Hortensia likes semi-shaded positions in moist, humus ground (it also tolerates places in the sun). It does not tolerate cold, drying drafts.When such occur, plants need to be covered. Hydrangeas grow best in soil with a pH between 5.5 and 6.

When the soil pH is low, the flowers of the garden hydrangea turn blue (very often it is caused artificially). The flowers are pink with normal acidification of the substrate.White varieties maintain their proper color regardless of the soil pH.

Hydrangea reproduction

In summer, hydrangeas are propagated by apical cuttings, in winter - from woody shoots.For apical cuttings we use young shoots about 15 cm long.The seedlings are grown in a bright position at a temperature of about 20 ° C.

Hydrangea - care

Trim the bush hydrangea in late winter shortly above the ground.This species blooms on this year's shoots.In the garden hydrangea, remove the frozen shoots to the second pair of he althy buds. We feed all hydrangeas once a year with complete fertilizer or compost.

Hydrangea - application

Hydrangea can be grown singly or in groups with trees and shrubs.


Hydrangeas should be watered regularly (Hydrangea is Latin for water shrub).On hot summer days you should do it every day.

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